
Meet the Girl Scout Troop for Homeless Girls
If you’re hankering for a cookie fix, look no further than Troop 6000’s Girl Scout cookies. Troop 6000 is a Girl Scout program designed to serve houseless girls in the New York City Shelter System. The troop meets weekly in shelters across the city, led by community volunteers and women

Vital Bay Area Refuge For Low Income Artists Needs Your Help!
A unique solution to the Bay Area’s housing crisis and cultural decay needs you to take action right now! The Music Menagerie is a new and vital non-profit organization founded by local queer Black artist Latashia Govan. The author of this story would like to emphasize the word ‘vital,’

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Restaurants and School Districts Step Up to Feed People During Coronavirus Crisis
In trying times such as what we’re nationally and globally experiencing with the coronavirus threat, our friends, families and neighbors will all need our help from time to time, and there is no better way to help than to feed those who are hungry. There are a handful of Bay

Under The Red Umbrella Examines Sex Work in the Face of FOSTA-SESTA
Sex work is the world’s oldest profession, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Often shrouded in a haze of stigma, judgement, and misunderstanding, it’s history and present is often sensationalized, marginalized, or completely silent. However, in the age of FOSTA-SESTA, silence is no longer an option we can accept.

Two Women Paid Off $1.5 Million in Medical Debt For Strangers
By Katie Robbins How would you like to wake up this holiday season to find a letter in your mailbox announcing a complete stranger has paid off your medical bills just because they wanted to? That’s exactly what two activists with the Campaign for New York Health did for over

If you wanna help victims of the CA fires, here’s how
The wildfires have already claimed 44 Californian lives and displaced thousands, the ‘Camp Fire’ has now officially become the deadliest in state history. Many of you wish you could help but don’t know how. Bellow are legit ways to give, donate, & support victims of the fires. Donate Money GoFundMe: Find

How You Can Help Napa Fire Victims Now
If you’re local, the Sonoma Valley Visitor’s Bureau has a list of hotels offering special rates for evacuees and the Sacramento Bee has a list of ways for local people to help.

A Brilliant Way to Fight The White Nationalist Rallies in Berkeley & SF
Activist and thought leader Elizabeth McLaughlin made an excellent suggestion on facebook addressing how to peacefully combat racist rallies like the one in #charlottesville. Specifically, there are white supremacist rally planned for Crissy Field in San Francisco on August 26th and in Downtown Berkely on August 27th. McLaughlin referenced a great, non-violent tactic to combat these hateful