Celebrating 3 Years of Not Completely Shutting Down BAS
As you probably know by now, this website is labor of love. If my goal was to get rich, and I chose running a small independent media company as the way to do it, I’d be a complete idiot. Luckily the goal with Broke-Ass Stuart has always been to serve the community as best as possible while informing them, entertaining them, and making them giggle. And I’ve been incredibly successful at accomplishing those things.
But that obviously doesn’t equate to making money, which is why I’m so happy to celebrate Broke-Ass Stuart’s 3 Year Patreon Anniversary! That’s right, the BAS Patreon has existed for three years now, and it has LITERALLY been the difference between this website being here or shutting down forever, especially this year when COVID completely obliterated our income.
The actual three year anniversary was a couple weeks ago, but since we were in the middle of having heartburn causing anxiety from the election, I figured talking about this would get lost in the shuffle.
So I just want to take a moment to thank every single person who has ever helped keep BrokeAssStuart.com alive, whether it was on Patreon, PayPal, sending checks, or even the IndieGoGo a few years back. Seriously, THANK YOU! Without you, the world would be far less informed and have laughed at far fewer dick jokes.
If you’re currently not contributing, please consider joining the BAS Patreon at $6 or above today. Not only will you be keeping us alive, you’ll also get the really ridiculous postcard I’m sending out next week. Some examples are right here.
Click the button below to get in on the action.
Thank you again. I love you!
– Stuart