Cardboard Armor-Building Workshop at Hayes Valley Farm
Our awesome city is home to some pretty out-there people and events, like the cracked-out dog-cat-rat man, the World Naked Bike Ride, the Easter bring-your-own-big-wheel race, and now, though it’s probably been around and I’ve just been too busy depressing myself with Bukowski poetry and losing my cell phone in cabs to notice, the cardboard tube fighting league tournament. Â Yeah, apparently it’s real and real people do it.
The great folks at Hayes Valley Farm want to help you. Â They know you’d be hopeless on your own trying to create a stylish, yet functional suit of armor made of cardboard and appropriate, regulation weaponry to match. Â So this Saturday, they’re hosting a workshop to help you out in this endeavor. Â You should probably show up with some glue, scissors and twine so you look like you at least kind of know what you’re doing, but if you forget, I’m sure there’ll be some extra supplies. Â This all leads up to the next day, when the Cardboard Tube Duel Tournament will go down.
I’m not sure what the tournament exactly entails, but if it goes anything like this (especially the bagpipes part), I’m so in.
Cardboard Armor-Building Workshop at Hayes Valley Farm Saturday, June 19, 3pm [Hayes Valley] FREEPhoto via