Celebrate the Best of the Bay for FREE at Mezzanine on Thursday

A face only a mother can love.
Hey kids — time for another party from the folks at the SF Bay Guardian! To celebrate their Best of the Bay 2010 guide, the Guardian is hosting a FREE party at Mezzanine on Thursday night. Not only will there be a photo booth, Burgermeister truck, and mingling with the Best of the Bay winners, but you can practice your awkward Jersey Shore-fist-pump-dance to the live music of The Bitter Honeys, Stephanie Finch and The Company Men, Chuck Prophet, and DJs spinning whatever DJs spin.
This rock party is FREE, but get there early. Apparently there’s supposed to be a huge turnout (although Mezzanine is pretty big. And has good bathrooms for having public sex inside of. Another story). So if you want to get in on some delicious cheeseburger, photo booth and Chuck Prophet action, head down early. Just in cases.
SF Bay Guardian Best of the Bay Rock Party at Mezzanine Thursday, August 5, 9pm 444 Jessie St. (btwn Mint & 6th) [SOMA] FREEPhoto courtesy delawareonline.com