NewsSan Francisco

“Our Mission, NO Evictions!” May Day Protest At City Hall

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our mission

This May 1st neighbors, community organizations and local merchants opposed to the rapid pace of displacement/evictions in the Mission, will take the fight to City Hall, and stand up to the policies that are destroying  the cultural and social fabric of our neighborhoods.

Community leader and activist Roberto Hernandez reminds us that:

“Over 4,000 households have been evicted from their home is San Francisco in the past 2 years, and our elected officials have FAILED to address the HOUSING CRISIS!”

Join Roberto and the Our Mission NO Evictions coalition to help stop the over-development of luxury condos in the mission, and to stop evictions perpetrated by greedy developers.  We at Broke-Ass Stuart endorse this direct political action against developers, and stand behind Our Mission NO Eviction’s quest to create policies and long term solutions that protect our communities.

Bellow is the list of demands being made by Our Mission NO evictions.  And if you would like to sign up and volunteer you can find the signup sheet here along with the contact information for your city supervisors.  To stay tuned to event scheduling and updates for the May 1st Protest, ‘like’ their facebook page here.

1. City of San Francisco to Declare a State of Emergency Housing Crisis
2. Moratorium on Evictions in San Francisco for 6 months
3. Moratorium on Market Rate Development in the Mission for 18 months
4. Immediately provide housing to the 3,000 children, youth & their families that are homeless in San Francisco at Treasure Island, Presidio and Housing Authority vacant units
5. Build 3,000 Affordable housing units in the Mission in 5 Years for people with 30% AMI
6. Immediate fast track building of affordable housing at:
A. 1950 Mission Street
B. 17th & Folsom Street
C. 3001 – 24th Street
D. 1296 Shotwell Street
No more DELAYS! No deals with Developers who propose to build in the Mission on these 4 sites!
7. $10 million to be earmarked in the City budget for down Payment for Coop Home Ownership
8. $50 million to be earmarked in the City budget to purchase property for Mission Non-profits
9. $20 million of Air BNB taxes paid to earmarked for Affordable Housing in the Mission
10. 50% of all In-Lou fees to be earmarked to the Mission over the next 5 years
11. All In-Lou fees to be paid in advance
12. Creation of a Luxury Tax for units that owned solely as vacation homes in the City of SF
13. Creation of a Mission Stability Fund
14. Creation of a Mission Housing Committee that is accountable, open, transparent and oversees bottom up all housing development in the Mission of for profit development and non-profit development in the Mission. The Committee to be composed of 5 residents, 1 merchant from Calle 24 , 1 youth, 1 teacher, 1 representative from a mission Non-profit organization, 1 representative of the Mayor, 1 and representative from Planning Department.
15. Vouchers for all people who been evicted from the Mission to include No Fault evictions
16. Vouchers without expiration year
17. Creation of a Community Based system to manage vouchers
18. City to require that the owners of the Fire damaged buildings in the Mission provide every resident and business the right to come back at the same rent amount. City SF to fast track rehab of property. City SF to conduct a full investigate of each fire and provide reports.
19. All developers percentage of on-site affordable housing be increased to 35%
20. All developers on-site affordable housing to be managed by community to ensure Mission people evicted from the Mission are provided housing
21. The SF Planning Commission to hold meetings in the Mission Community

our mission


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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

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