
26 Jun 2015

Joe Benjamin & A Mighty Handful’s Video Premier of “That Text”

The wonderful guys of Joe Benjamin and a Mighty Handful were lovely enough to give us the pleasure of debuting their new video for the song, “That Text.” This will be first single off the group’s new album due to hit the airwaves early next year. Joe Benjamin and a Mighty

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
26 Jun 2015

NYC Pride 2015: Something for Everyone

Pride is upon us! This is absolutely one of the best times to be in New York City. I look forward to the parade every year as an official start to my summer festivities. This year feels really special as Stonewall was granted landmark status by New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission just days

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
26 Jun 2015

Disease Detecting Condoms…Designed By Teenagers

I just can’t anymore. I can’t handle the innovative concepts meant to implement safety measures on sexual behaviors. This particular new “idea” was conceived by teenagers!  The brainchild of four teenage boys that will “Make detecting harmful STIs safer than ever before. In the privacy of their own homes.” Is that what is keeping people

Jay H - Bawdy Broadcaster 0
26 Jun 2015

BAS Pride 2015: DAY OF DECISION!!! Trans March, #HoldingOntoSF, Call to Aid the Galería de la Raza Mural

  Nothing is as excruciatingly painful as when those you love turn their back on you. For many of us, San Francisco has done just that. The creators, the artists, the dreamers who took this city as their muse have been given notice. In the past few weeks, even our

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
25 Jun 2015


Rad Upcoming SF Events Geographer, DJ Jamie Jams & Talk Tonight THU. 06/25 | 7:00PM @ THE CHAPEL Geographer is a San Francisc-based indie rock band that describes their music as being “”soulful music from outer space” using analog, electronic and acoustic elements to craft dense layers and unique sound textures.” ADMISSION: FREE

illyannam 0
25 Jun 2015

BAS Pride 2015: The Lexington Pride Kick-off, Megaphone, & FREE tickets to Phallus In Wonderland

The doors may have closed, but the Lex is hardly out of business. Since what was one of the best bars in the Mission was priced out,   it has taken on a new presence as a community ambassador to queer community, offering a thorough resource for Pride going-ons this week.

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
25 Jun 2015

How To Create A 50 X 120 ft Mural in San Francisco

It’s not paint by numbers exactly, it’s a step-by-step booklet, for you to get, your HUGE mural game on track. Step 1: Find a canvas ArtSpan, the organization behind SF Open Studios and the reason many good artists can still live in San Francisco, has scored a 9-month lease on 6,000

Alex Mak - Managing Editor 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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