
01 Oct 2011

Get Your Rocks off at the Coal Yard

Now that the International Bar has closed its backyard for construction, I’ve been trying to find another dive in the East Village where I may be able to smoke my cigarettes and drink my whiskey and sodas leisurely. And luckily I found that dive only two blocks down 1st Ave.

Bobby Rich - Affordable Aficionado 0
30 Sep 2011

Litquake 2011 Brings the Awesome (and FREE) Literary Events

  October means the beginning of Fall, Halloween, harvests, unaturally hot weather in the Bay, and most importantly, the Litquake Literary Festival. Literature fiends can go full geek and see a crapload of literary events around the city, culminating in the ultimate event: Litcrawl. Think of a bar crawl, except

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
30 Sep 2011

Going Under with Tribal Baroque

Underpasses don’t generally lend themselves to good, wholesome fun. I, for one, experienced in a Dolores Park underpass an “Egyptian baptism” by a man wearing a gold turban and claiming to be King Tut in a previous life. He sprinkled me with bottles labeled “opium,” “sunlight,” and “holy water” that he carried

30 Sep 2011

Cheap-Ass Breakfast Drinks

 This weekend I have a few friends visiting from San Diego. I woke up this morning to people passed out all over my apartment, and the fog outside made us want to pretty much kill ourselves. We decided to cure our hangovers with some daytime drinking. Bloody Mary’s were out

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
30 Sep 2011

The Broke Ass Secret of Schroeder’s German Restaurant

With the many upcoming sure to be drunken festivities of Oktoberfest, I thought Schroeder’s German Restaurant a fitting topic. Schroeder’s is quite the authentic German beer hall and restaurant. This place has everything from traditional German dishes for lunch and dinner to a variety of Polka bands which play from

30 Sep 2011

Can Hardly Wait Until Hardly Strictly!

For those of you who don’t already know about the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival happening in Golden Gate Park this weekend, where the heck have you been? Hiding under a rock? This is only the biggest, and not to mention FREE Bluegrass Festival in the entire country! From Friday, September 30th until

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
30 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Mom and Mass Transit 201

If you think you’ve mastered mass transit because since last week you’ve become a black belt in riding a train, think again. We have yet to discuss how to get on and off a train or a bus. The first question is how far do you have to walk to

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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