
27 Jun 2010

The Big Terrific Comedy Show – FREE Every Wednesday

Being in Times Square always makes me want to murder everyone. It’s crowded, loud, covered in trash, the ads give you seizures – there is no end to its awfulness. But the worst are those people from the Ha! comedy club who stand on every corner soliciting you to attend

Katy B. - Economic Inexpert 0
27 Jun 2010

Getting Fit on the Cheap: The Broke-Ass Burpee

We’ve seen your bellies, hipsters. In parks and bars and on street corners, we’ve watched you amble past, stomach first, unconcerned with the true nature of your characteristic protrusion. Months and years of chugging craft brews and devouring deep-fried pickles has left you overweight and unhealthy. You say you don’t

26 Jun 2010

Broke-Ass Haiku: Yo-Yo’s…Deep Fried Pickles

So we at Broke Ass HQ, like many of you, often spend time shooting the shit and coming up with new ideas to make you laugh, cry, save money and live your life. The haiku, a Japanese form of poetry, is a beautiful and simplistic way to show your affection

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
26 Jun 2010

Old Stuff Rules – Awesome Vintage Clothing Event

The best way to avoid that mortifying moment when you realize that, horror of horrors, some ho is wearing the exact same dress as you is actually quite simple; buy vintage! Not only will you be the envy of all your friends, if you do it right, you’ll save lots

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
26 Jun 2010

Brooklyn’s Annual UnFancy Food Show

It’s blazing hot this weekend (as it will probably be for the next 3 months), and they only way to nurse that hangover properly is to either bring a Camelbak’s worth of Gatorade to the beach or soak up all that booze with delicious local food. Since I JUST ran

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
26 Jun 2010

Patron Part II: My New Landlady

Since I am currently in the middle of a move to a new apartment (from Williamsburg to Greenpoint) I thought I would dedicate this post to a continuation of the ‘œPatron’ discussion.  It just so happens that I may have stumbled upon a new one to add to my growing

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
25 Jun 2010

Mee Mee Bakery – Cheap Bulk Fortune Cookies!

My coworker just let me in on a little secret: Mee Mee Bakery in North Beach. Actually, truthfully, it’s easy to spot and not a huge secret, but I never go to North Beach so it was news to me. They sell fortune cookies in half pound and one pound

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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