
07 Mar 2010

All-You-Can-Eat Pizza at Goat Hill Every Monday Night

I talk about Goat Hill Pizza all the time and I’m always surprised that not more people know about it.  Or maybe they’ve heard of it, but have never been.  Or maybe it’s just that most people I know are normal, not insatiable, raging fat-asses like me.  But gluttony is

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
07 Mar 2010

Cheap Drinks — Yelp Drinks Week!

I hope you’re paying attention because THIS IS IMPORTANT: Today is the last day of San Francisco’s Yelp Drinks Week.  Twenty-five participating bars and restaurants are selling selected drinks for half off.  That’s halfway to FREE.  Get on that shit! Yelp says that these deals are good all day “until

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date 0
07 Mar 2010

Reading for Fun: Not Just for Dorks Anymore

If there is one thing I learned from my days of watching Levar Burton blow my little mind with the wonderful world of books, is that reading is spelled F-U-N. Twenty years of required reading and book reports undid some of his teachings, but in my current hardcore Broke-Ass state

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
07 Mar 2010

FREE Oscar Viewing Party

Award shows can be a very laboring affair to watch. The Emmys are pretty meh, the MTV awards are a fucking joke but sometimes people show up wearing pasties, and the Grammy’s are just another opportunity for my ears to be assaulted by the Black Eyed Peas. But everyone always

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
06 Mar 2010

FREE King Baldwin Show Tonight

Remember awhile back when Dubious Ranger wrote me a theme song?  Yeah, that was pretty badass.  Well some of the guys from the band have teamed up with another one of my local favorites, Bhi Bhiman to create a band called King Baldwin. Tonight is the release party for their

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Mar 2010

FREE Disposable Filmmaking Workshop

The only time I’ve ever attempted to make a film/movie/moving picture, was my senior year of college, shooting a fake condom commercial for a group project (best class EVER). I spent four hours editing a bunch of overexposed footage and teaching myself how to use iMovie, the whole time cursing

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
06 Mar 2010

FREE Knowledge – One More Reason Sarah Palin is Dumb

As someone who is a broke-ass namely because of my outrageously expensive student loans, the recent protests surrounding education funding are hitting really close to home.  What makes this even harder to swallow is watching people in the news like Sarah Palin misspeaking and subsequently subverting the meaning of things

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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