
22 Feb 2010

Vienetta Discotheque – Cheap Booze and No Cover Every Monday

For the discerning palate.. There was never enough of you to go around was there?  So continental, so refined, why couldn’t you come in a larger size?  How many dinner parties were transformed into sticky melees because of you? Well unlike its namesake, Vienetta, the latest disco at the UndergroundSF,

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0
22 Feb 2010

FREE OCD Lecture: The Secrets of Jet Propulsion

While growing up in The Bronx, my friend’s dad used to build rocket ships to launch off of buildings. And he used hamsters as pilots. While I will remain silent on my opinion of hamster misuse in the situation, I will say that my friend’s dad is now a physicist

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
21 Feb 2010

Broke-Ass Guide to Owning Pets

Whether you consider yourself a cat person or a dog person, chances are you’ve considered becoming a proud pet owner at one time or another. Pets can serve as awesome best friends, silent therapists, or surrogate children, but what many don’t realize is how costly these furry/feathery/scaly friends can be.

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
21 Feb 2010

My Awesome Invention

I come from a long line of inventors.  The most highly developed in our lineage was my grandpa Ralph.  It all began, he told me, when he invented a basket that he lowered from his second floor bedroom as a child, into the kitchen below.  He claimed that his mother

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
21 Feb 2010

The Magazine: The Tenderloin’s Awesome Vintage Magazine Shop

Thanks to Paula W. for the photo Wow I’m really amazed people don’t talk about this one more, it’s definitely one of those places that deserves mention in as many conversations as possible. It literally has one of the biggest archives of porno mags I’ve ever seen, and what’s remarkable

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
20 Feb 2010

Panna II: Where Chili Peppers and Christmas Lights Meet

I was focusing more on the waitstaff turning out the lights and yelling when they brought out my birthday cake, so it took me a minute to notice that a customer from another table had stood up, taken off his shirt, and started running back and forth in the restaurant’s

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
20 Feb 2010

I Heart Tacos: A Taco Tour

Tacos are the greatest. They’re like a flavor punch in your face and cover all five of the basic food groups (do the math…yeah I’m right) which does a body good. It’s pretty hard to mess up a taco, so most you encounter will be at least alright, but for

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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