10 Mar 2008

Broke-Ass Stuart interview on cango.com

Published below is an interview with Broke-Ass Stuart, author of the highly acclaimed Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in San Francisco, who now has New York in his broke-ass cross-hairs with a 350+ page Guide to Living Cheaply in New York City.  I contacted him to ask him about the book and

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22 Jan 2008

Isaac Hayes

I’m not sure if you figured this out by now but…I’m poor.  Sorry to break it to you.  I know you thought that it was all a lie and that I’m secretly some rich guy up in a mountaintop villa with a personal chef, hot half-naked french maids, and that

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18 Jan 2008

Photos from the 2nd Annual Broke-Ass Stuart Pub Crawl

  Way back when Broke-Ass Stuart SF was just a 33 page zine, I sold a copy to a guy named Ken.  Shortly afterwards he tried to hit as many bars from the zine as possible in a single night.  When he regained consciousness from his black-out he had a revelation:

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21 Nov 2007

Original Joe’s

  144 Taylor @ Eddy The decor of this spacious Italian/American restaurant harkens back to a time when the Tenderloin was a little bit more tender and smelled a lot less of piss. At Original Joe’s not much has changed since 1937; the waiters still wear tuxes, the booths are

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20 Nov 2007

Broke-Ass Stuart Does New York

For those of you who don’t know, I am currently living out here in Brooklyn doing my thang. And by “my thang” I mean writing and researching Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in New York. So if you have any suggestions for the NY book please drop me a

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50% off New Glasses + Free Shipping!

We wrote about the 6 rad reasons why shopping for glasses on GlassesUSA.com will change the way you buy glasses forever. You can read about that here. But here's the important part: YOU GET 50% OFF + free shipping on your first pair of frames. Click to find out more!

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap
08 Feb 2007

To Live and Die in BA: part 2

January 15, 2007 To Live and Die in BA: part 2 Buenos Aires is a city of too many sunrises. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that in just a few weeks here I’ve seen the sun rise at least twice as many times as the rest of

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0 Read More
08 Feb 2007

To Live and Die in BA:part 1

December 26, 2006 To Live and Die in BA…part 1 I slid into the center of Buenos Aires at roughly 4am on a Friday, ready to crash out at the hostel that I’d booked while in Cuzco. At the airport I’d met Noah from the Bay Area, who happened to

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08 Feb 2007

No Gracias

December 15, 2006 No Gracias “No Gracias,” becomes a sort of mantra as you wander Cuzco’s beautiful cobblestone streets, navigating through finger-puppet selling five year olds and elderly women slanging everything from bracelets to toothbrushes. These things you take in stride because you’re in Peru and you understand that people

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