
03 Nov 2016

Voting To Protect Your Tenants Rights in San Francisco

The Association of Realtors has poured hundreds of thousands into funding two sneaky measures, which aim to trick San Franciscans into handing over big profits to developers. Housing Attorney Daniel Wayne explains all

02 Nov 2016

Why the New Condoms in Porn Law is Absolutely Absurd

Proposition 60 was introduced in February of this year, and would require adult film producers to provide condoms and ensure that performers use them during performances in which “performers actually engage in vaginal or anal penetration by a penis.”

Guest Writer 0
02 Nov 2016

We wanna send you and a friend to see Natasha Kmeto!

Natasha Kmeto is an electronic producer/vocalist dedicated to the art of emotional engagement. Writing, producing, and performing all her material, Kmeto combines her sensuous voice with a dancefloor ethic, exuding a thoughtful physicality that rewards openness and vulnerability. Stylistically she explores the lines intersected by RnB, soul, and dance music,

illyannam 0
01 Nov 2016

Wiener Caught Stealing from Queer Artist to Spread Hypocritical Lie About Kim

Holy smokes! How low can Scott Wiener go? Last week he sent out a mailer that changed the words from an SF Bay Guardian article and completely used a quote out of context, making it seem like he has both tenant and progressive support. That was bad. I thought “Oh man, Scott

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
01 Nov 2016

Día De Los Muertos in San Francisco & East Bay

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is coming up November 2nd. There are a ton of events and ways to participate in this Meso-American holiday that honors people who have passed. Before you go, just be sure to read our guide on how to do it the right way and be respectful of cultural traditions. If we missed anything, let us know and we’ll keep adding to the list!

Amiee Kushner 0
01 Nov 2016

Why You Should Never Take a Bikram Yoga Class

Step aside Donald Trump, there’s a new bad hombre in town. Bikram Choudry is a self proclaimed yoga “guru” who founded a 26 pose heated yoga sequence that seduced thousands of young seekers. There are 330 Bikram studios in the United States and 600 worldwide; this is far beyond your local community yoga class. Bikram is also a 70 year old guy who teaches class in a tiny speedo, wears a $1 million diamond encrusted watch, and recently has had 6 sexual assault cases filed against him.

Guest Writer 0
01 Nov 2016

Seven Creepy Holidays Around the World

I spent Halloween in Europe, again this year. It’s a difficult line to walk, managing my obsessive fixation of having the cleverest/most artistic/most original costume, and wearing it on a continent where frankly, few people care about the holiday. What’s more, the holiday is different here.  In France it became

Rae Bathgate - Down and Out and Overseas 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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