
28 Jun 2019

SF Mime Troupe Celebrates 60 years with musical comedy “Treasure Island”

It says it right on the side of the giant truck that transports their self-contained outdoor theater set: “Not that kind of mime!” Far from being silent, the San Francisco Mime Troupe has presented musical comedies in the parks for 60 years, making them the longest running political comedy troupe

Fiction 0
02 Mar 2018

When a Work Email Chain Goes Very Very Wrong

by Devin Holt Editor’s note: Most stories are made out of paragraphs that lead to the next paragraph. This fictional account of an email thread gone very, very wrong uses a slightly different format.                                

Fiction 0
27 Jan 2024

The San Francisco Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 27 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 27 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Nov 2017

BAS Fiction– Them SpaceCrafts: Part 3

Them SpaceCrafts: Part 3 by Devin Holt   Missed part 2? Read it here. I knew what to do as soon as I saw that map. The SpaceCraft Nikes were legendary. Word on Instagram was they only made 50 pairs, in a cross-promotion with Mistah F.A.B., the Warriors, and Google.

Fiction 0
08 Nov 2017

BAS Fiction– Them SpaceCrafts: Part Two

THEM SPACECRAFTS: Part 2 by Devin Holt Missed Part One? Read it here. I figured it out in the middle of the night: I had to go to that creepy, crumbling warehouse next door. Somehow, it would help me get Papi to come home from the fires. That’s what Mom,

Fiction 0
01 Nov 2017

BAS Fiction– Them SpaceCrafts: Part One

THEM SPACECRAFTS: Part One by Devin Holt Turns out it’s good that Aunt Tina is so bitchy. Because if she wasn’t, none of this would have happened. Papi would have got burned in the fires, we never would have found them SpaceCrafts, and Damone wouldn’t be two-inches from becoming my

Fiction 0
06 Sep 2017

BAS Fiction- It Pays

IT PAYS by Allyson Darling   Violet-colored feathers encircled my eyes; the elastic tied around my head pulled at my hair — a Mardi Gras mask wasn’t exactly the item I had imagined wearing to protect my identity. I lied on my stomach with my feet splayed out on a

Fiction 0
09 Jun 2017

BAS Fiction – Inroads Up Hills

INROADS UP HILLS by John Christopher Nelson The rises and falls distort Celia’s sense of place. Tonight is too cold for May, and the cartilage in her knees stiffens as she navigates the familiar, unsafe path to her apartment. Hosting at a bar means getting stuck at work until the

Fiction 0
10 May 2017

Minor Irritations: A San Francisco Tale

He pulled out his phone and checked his to-do list. 6 PM: dinner. 7 PM: break up with Angela. FINISH DIVE BAR PIECE BY MIDNIGHT DEADLINE!!!

Fiction 0