Bob’s Donuts + Pastry: Good Vibrations at the Hole Peddler
It has been five-years since our super hunky co-editor, Stephen Torres, eloquently shared his no-doubt drunken experience at Bob’s. Oh, and four-years since Christy wrote about Bob’s. And of course, I started writing about donuts at 2am, and then realize all of this. So, fuck it…you’re getting the 2014 version of Bob’s. Because
New York’s FREE Summer Concerts are Amazing This Year
Against the affidavits from my East Coast friends that I’d “love New York. It’s no bullshit, just like you. People in California get offended by you because they’re too sensitive…but you…you’d fit right in. Don’t you want to rekindle your Puerto Ricanness?” I have never been to New York. To
The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon
Rescue Row: The Officially Official Pet Rescue City Block in San Francisco
I grew up in a house with three indoor cats (two rescued ferals + one neighbor abandoned) and two outdoor ferals. Eventually we also rescued a Golden Labrador, Beau, from the same aforementioned neighbor. They decided to move and leave the dog behind in the front yard with no access
Reel M’ Inn: Portland’s Bar Food Extraordinaire
What could possibly distract you from the embarrassment of your traveling companion knocking over two pints of beer onto the table, floor, and your army jacket while every…one…in…the…room…watches…you? Reel M’ Inn’s fried chicken and jojos is what. Don’t believe it could be that good? Just ask Sean Brock, he proudly
Cookiebar: Alameda’s Ice Cream + Cookie Youth Rebellion
Being a David Chang ball-fondler, at first I thought Cookiebar’s logo and the name were a little too close to resembling Momofuku’s Milkbar. This minor detail kept me away longer than it should have. On our way home from recreational meandering, I finally went in. All of the employees are under 30-years-old.
Parada 22: The Puerto Rican Pop-Up in The Mission
Parada 22 is a brick and mortar in the Upper Haight that neighbors its cousin, Cha Cha Cha. And cousins they are, literally, for Cha Cha Cha (and Boogaloos) is owned by restaurateur Philip Belber who is a cousin of Parada 22 owner, Gloria Pinette. For the last six months,
Food & Farm Film Festival: 18 reasons to spend $15
Not entirely 18 reasons, but we can thank 18 reasons for next month’s Food & Farm Film Festival. It’s the time of year where our eyes are delighted to gaze upon the pops of color finally revealing themselves at the farmer’s markets and along outdoor trails. It’s spring. Which is a
$1.29 bouquet of Daffodils for a Spring Wedding…
In an earlier post, I mentioned taking advantage of Trader Joe’s annual spring $1.29 bouquet of Daffodils and using them for your arrangements at your wedding. Yesterday I went to get arugula at TJ’s and saw the flowers sitting in a basket outside and I immediately bought two bouquets. The woman behind me