Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe
Beats, BBQ and Broke-Ass Disco
Labor Day is upon us and as the summer comes to a close, here’s one last weekend to break out those beer coozies and hot pants. For us broke-asses without summer shares and well, cars, you can still live it up this three-day weekend and avoid the Jersey shore altogether.
The Broke Ass Guide to Learning
In an effort to be crafty, I had my grandmother ship her old 1970’s sewing machine that had been gathering dust in her Michigan basement. And you know what it’s doing now? Gathering even more dust as it sits on my desk silently mocking me for even trying. For years
The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon
Instant Joy: The State of Polaroid
I’m not one to get nostalgic about old technology. Sure the typewriter was classic, and Super 8 cameras are all fun and games until you try to edit anything, but nothing has quite found a place in people’s hearts as much as the Polaroid camera. Since the company announced it
FREE: Last Pool Party and Cinebrunch
At the risk of sounding like a jaded before my time geezer, I have not attended any of the free-for all ‘Pool Parties’ this summer. On paper they have everything I like, free music, watching people get killed execution style via dodgeball, beer, and scantily dressed youth. But since having
FREE Book Exchange in NYC!!
Nobody really likes the AM New York Guys. They’re pushy, in your face and most of the papers end up all over the floor of every subway station in the city. But as a regular commuter, I like to have something to read that doesn’t involve sensational rags, blowing all
Broke-Ass Guide to Staying Cool
As I sit here typing all hot and bothered in my steamy apartment, I say to myself, you can do it, just one more month. I’m not a masochistic person, but I do have a soft spot for low electric bills and have always been able to handle the heat
Broke Ass Porn: Tastespotting
Hey boys and girls, I’d like to talk about a serious societal trend that’s been plaguing the populace for quite some time now and doesn’t show any signs of receding, I’d like to talk about Food Porn. You know the kind, the oh-so-close camera angles, the beads of condensation, and
Melody Lanes – The Dude’s Wet Dream
Bowling has been experiencing a renaissance in New York for the past couple years. What used to be just a fun way to pass the time at the Port Authority if you missed your train has now turned into a full-fledged nightlife machine. Every other birthday invitation seems to involve