Nik Wojcik - East Bay Editor

Boycott: Stephen Ross’s Trump Fundraiser Sparks SoulCycle, Equinox Backlash
What happens when a very rich developer who happens to act as chief executive officer for a very large fitness franchise decides to throw a fundraising party for Donald Trump’s re-election campaign? Shit gets boycotted – that’s what happens. It should come as no surprise to Stephen Ross that when

Tucker Carlson Is a Prophet…for White Supremacists
Don’t worry, folks. Nothing to see here. Everything is all good – just fine and dandy. Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson says there is no white supremacy problem in the United States – like the whole Russia thing, the issue of people espousing white supremacist ideology and terrorizing communities is

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Go Hug a Mutt, Because They’re the Best
Apparently, today is National Mutt Day. Do not attempt to confuse this “holiday” with the banality that is National Avocado Day, which shares the same calendar space but nowhere near the respected caliber. Of all the ridiculous marketing scheme-laden crap we get to “celebrate” in some promotional way, National Mutt

Oakland’s Facial Recognition Ban Sets Stage for Similar Laws Nationwide
The city of Oakland took their ban on use of facial recognition software a step further Tuesday with another unanimous vote in city council. The ordinance barring municipal use of the software will be voted on once more in September and is expected to pass without objection, making Oakland the

Let’s Talk about Guns and How Lobbyists Are Killing Us
Sunday, it was three people killed in a senseless mass shooting that injured an additional dozen victims at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Tuesday, a disgruntled employee shot and killed two co-workers and injured an officer at a Mississippi Walmart. What news will it be tomorrow? Going to eat garlic ice

Breast Implant Recall Makes Me Wonder: Is Perfection Worth the Risk?
There’s a point in life when you trade casual glances at yourself in the mirror for full-blown inspections. Your shape changes, lines form around your eyes and you ask yourself, “When the fuck did I start growing chin hair?!?” I’ve stared at the lines around my lips, a genetic bit

Dope Stuff to Do in the Bay This Weekend: Kites, Beer, Wheels, Porch Bands
It’s going to be gloriously warm and beautiful weekend in the Bay Area, depending on where you are. If you’re in Berkeley or Oakland, you’ll be sitting pretty with California-perfect 80s, but if you’re anywhere near Concord, you’ll be running for the AC as temperatures tip into three digits. Whether

Some Cannabis Strains Tell the Stories of Heroes
There you are, scrolling through picture after picture of pretty purple haired flowers, brightly yellow-hued shiny shatters, sticky waxes, tinctures for all that ails, plethora of pod varieties, muscle rubs, gummies… Every option has a name – like lovers, some feel like old friends and some come and go. But