Nik Wojcik - East Bay Editor

Somebody is Spreading Sidewalk Joy in Berkeley
While Berkeley roots may be hard to find these days, somebody is out there doing the most to remind passersby of the creativity and counter-culture sentiment that once permeated the historic city. If you stroll Berkeley streets with your head down, you’ll find little silver discs of pure joy and

Ghost Ship Jury Drama Complicates Trial
Finding suitable jurors to decide the fate of two men in a nationally covered story would prove to be a challenge from the very beginning. Keeping the jury in line throughout the long and emotional Ghost Ship trial has proven more of a headache than the selection itself. Alameda County

The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon

The Cheese Board Expands and the Papi Chulo Movement Grows
The Cheese Board Collective is the kind of place where you’re happy to stand in a hour-long line that may or may not wrap around the block depending on what day and what time you attempt to make it through the golden doors. Golden, because what lies beyond is the

Chinatown Rose Pak Station: A Rose by Any Other Name
Who knew that seven little letters could incite such emotional response? The name Rose Pak means different things to different people. To some, she was a tireless activist, a power broker with a cause, an inspiration. To others, she was a divisive, foul-mouthed bully. In reality, she was probably both.

Breaking: Six Philly Police Officers Shot in Active Shooter Standoff
Six officers have been shot during an ongoing active shooter scene near a daycare facility in Philadelphia Wednesday. The number of officers reported quickly increased from four to six in a matter of minutes. Neighbors describe hearing hundreds of rounds of gun fire. Officers responded to shooting at a residence

Liberty for ‘All’ is Not Up for Debate
The Great Experiment. The land of promise. The home of the free. This country can be a cruel beast but even in our darkest days, we’ve held tight to glimmers of hope. From the Mayflower to the southern border, people of all stripes have come to this country in search

A Broke-Ass Guide to Beating the Heatwave
It’s going to be hot. Hot, like up to 100+ degrees in Concord kind of hot. For those out there without the luxury of air conditioning, heat like that can be miserable and debilitating for you and your pets. The best, and cheapest, ways to avoid getting sick from the

Puerto Rico Breakdown in a Really Small Nutshell
In case you’ve been wondering what the hell is going on in Puerto Rico and are too afraid to ask for fear of seeming ignorant, we’ve got you covered. It’s okay. We’re bombarded without a lot of information every day, and it’s been a heavy couple of weeks — nobody