Nik Wojcik - East Bay Editor

Happy All the Holidays to All of You
When I think of Christmas, I think of family. It’s not about how much we spend on presents, but about the smiles we bring to people we love. It’s a time that allows us to put aside the petty crap that bothers us about our kids, partners, parents and friends

It Says Something When the Wealthy Turn On Trump Too
Political protests are often associated with youth, but across the Bay Area Tuesday night we saw a large presence of people well beyond the age of 50. One particular rally in Walnut Creek provided an interesting perspective on how age and economic status play into this whole impeachment thing. Hint:

The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon

Moms 4 Housing Represent the Ultimate Fight Between Greed and Good
Some people look down on homelessness — they make assumptions that the dire situation is brought on by bad personal behavior or laziness. You hear people make callous and highly generalized arguments in comment forums on the topic. The blame tends to fall on drug abuse and therefore, people suffering

Demanding Trump’s Removal Is the Only Patriotic Choice
You can believe the current president is the best to ever hold that office. You can like his policies and truly believe he has your best interest at heart. Yet, you can still support his impeachment and removal from office. And you should. This is a pivotal moment in history, one

Berkeley BART Housing Battle Rages On
The topic of Bay Area housing development is complicated. Renters burdened by market rates lament the struggle. Communities resist aesthetic changes, especially when high-density proposals are made. Developers seek to maximize profits. Local governments battle between zoning determinations, pragmatic needs and neighborhood cultures. Although there is a sense of hope

Wishing the Tuesday Siren a Two-Year Farewell
The San Francisco Tuesday noon siren has been a thing since World War II, when people were ready to hit the bomb shelters at any given moment. In years since, the slightly obnoxious noise has become part of the city’s fabric in the same way locals learn to love all

Animals Rights Activists Take On Oakland Whole Foods
Animal rights activists with Direct Action Everywhere are out at Whole Foods on Bay Place in Oakland Wednesday to remind customers that the company may not be as wholesome as they claim. The group began a 24-hour fast as the protest began at noon in an effort to bring attention

How to Survive an Impeachment Thanksgiving
If the recent CNN poll holds any weight, about half the U.S. adult population wants Donald Trump impeached and removed from office, and the other half think he’s doing a super fantastic job as president. It’s pretty much split down the middle, which could present the opportunity for awkward family