Nik Wojcik - East Bay Editor

Video Games for Your Vagina
So, I’m sitting on a hospital room floor last night visiting my uncle when my cousin suddenly says she’d seen an advertisement for a kegel exercise video game, one where you shoot asteroids by squeezing your vagina muscles. My mom and uncle thought the the concept was pretty great. I

It Costs More to Be Poor, and Businesses Are Totally Cool with That
There’s a huge spectrum of poverty and wealth, ranging from the destitute to that mystical 1 percent. In an economy touted as performing so well, it’s amazing that the number of “working poor” continues to rise so dramatically. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that here in the Bay

The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon

Kaiser Candlelight Vigil Honors Mental Health Patients Who Committed Suicide
About 40 people held a predawn candlelight vigil in front of Kaiser Permanente headquarters in Oakland early Wednesday morning. They were there to remember former patients who committed suicide after their requests for mental health care were denied or detrimentally delayed. The group consisted of some of Kaiser’s mental health

San Francisco Gives Cars the Boot for a Better Market Street
Imagine life on Market Street with no cars. You could play soccer, do somersaults or have a heated debate with your imaginary friend right in the middle of the road. Well, maybe not exactly…but close. The city is about to find out just what people will do in the middle

East Bay Special Elections Voter Guide
It’s almost election-lite time in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Both counties will hold special elections Nov. 5 with very little to vote on, but local stuff matters in big ways and the measures in your area are worth having an opinion on. Here are the basics for each county

Concord Fault Is Reminding People of the Danger beneath Our Feet
Decades have gone by since the Bay Area felt the power of a strong earthquake and each passing year without a major incident creates a greater sense of complacency. However, Monday night served as a wakeup call – a fairly gentle reminder that ‘it’s not if, but when.’ Those who

Mezzanine Fights Back, Files for Chapter 11 Protection
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE. HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM It’s been an emotional roller coaster for the Mezzanine since news first hit last November that the property owners were looking to kick the female-run music venue to the curb with a threat to increase

Abandoning Our Kurdish Allies Will Be Trump’s Undoing
People have often wondered what the red line would be. How much is too much? Will there ever be a point when Trump’s behavior and poor policy decisions are met with real consequence? We’re about to find out. It wasn’t the kids in cages, tax breaks for the wealthy, inviting