Penelope Hernandez

23 Jan 2017

The Epidemic Of The “Opinionated” Girl

I am a woman. I have life experience and curiosity, and aspirations, and sexual desires, and an unbelievable amount of resilience. I have no need to ever be validated by any other person; man or woman. Now that that’s established, there is one thing that’s been burning inside of me

Penelope Hernandez 0
09 Aug 2016

Dear White People…(an Open Letter to all Deniers of White Privilege).

Dear White People, With the current events happening in our country, there are thousands of articles, videos and Facebook posts that explain the Black Lives Matter Movement, white privilege and racism. There are people who think (wrongfully) that BLM is a movement against white people and police. In response to

Penelope Hernandez 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
02 Mar 2016

“An African City’s” Nana Mensah Talks Diversity, Style, and What it Takes to be an Actor

Working actor” is not a term that many understand. When you say the word “actor,” people picture Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts. But an actor’s success isn’t determined by their level of celebrity, but by the integrity of their work.  Many wouldn’t know the names of thousands of working

Penelope Hernandez 0
29 Feb 2016

How The Blind Barber Became a Successful Bar & Barbershop

A few summers ago in the Hamptons, I met a young man with a great personality and an ability to make everyone have a good time. At the time, he was the general manager at Ella Lounge, a spunky little LES staple that is now (sadly) gone. Now co-owner of

Penelope Hernandez 0
22 Feb 2016

Leaving a Nasty Yelp Review Makes You a Jerk

Oh, the Internet. We love it and hate it for many reasons. One of them is the instant gratification we receive when posting on social media, like that of instant revenge. With one click, you can do so much harm. Yelp is the epitome of this. But to all the people who are out for a vendetta via Yelp, here’s a few things to consider before you put your fingers on that keyboard:

Penelope Hernandez 0
18 Feb 2016

Dark Anecdotes Of A Dating Idealist: When Your Best Friend Is Dating Your Ex

It was a 4th of July. I was fresh from spending 2 years in LA and I’d arrived with the promise that my Ex-boyfriend, Bob and I would get back together, except he dumped me instead… Nevertheless, the important ex in this story is a piece of human shit named

Penelope Hernandez 0
10 Feb 2016

My Journey of Feminism

When Beyoncé dropped her self titled album in 2013, unexpectedly and without promotion, everyone of us rushed out to  download it, and just as expected, the album was full of amazing and empowering songs that didn’t disappoint. But one thing I did not expect, was for one song to start

Penelope Hernandez 0