Valeria Castaneda

01 Mar 2022

Burnout: How I Deal With Writers’ Block

TRIGGER WARNING The fireplace is crackling and an out of tune piano is being played by an underweight teenager. My body has been filled with anxiety for hours because I ran out of my medication. I haven’t been able to eat any solid foods and I’ve been opting for Kate

Valeria Castaneda 0
01 Feb 2022

Letters From A Teenage Addict

TRIGGER WARNING (I write these pieces so people in similar situations realize they’re not alone.) These are some excerpts of my writing as a teenager. It’s mind blowing to see the shift in perception over the years. I never could have imagined a life without drugs or desiring them everyday,

Valeria Castaneda 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
25 Jan 2022

What Alcoholics Anonymous Taught Me About God

Alcoholics Anonymous taught me that there is inherent vulnerability in honesty and I’ve only seen my life improve as a result. Being real feels good because I’m confident in what I say is my truth and I think that’s very honorable. I don’t want to be thought of as a

Valeria Castaneda 0
18 Jan 2022

What Recovering From Anorexia Is Like

TRIGGER WARNING This is the third time that I’m in residential treatment for my eating disorder and it seems more difficult than the other times. Okay, maybe that’s not true. The first time was the worst. Learning how to eat again and becoming an intuitive eater was difficult when I

Valeria Castaneda 0
11 Jan 2022

Protected: I Fell In Love With A Coke Dealer

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Valeria Castaneda 0
04 Jan 2022

Why I Relapsed On Heroin

TRIGGER WARNING It seemed like everything was crumbling around me. I was losing control of myself and there was nothing I could do to keep myself from spiraling. I felt like I was losing my mind. I had been beaten down to my breaking point. I couldn’t recognize the girl

Valeria Castaneda 0
28 Dec 2021

What I Learned After Eating Ten Grams Of Magic Mushrooms

TRIGGER WARNING My friend Jasmine and I get into my car and she starts driving towards Oakland. I’m nervous about eating ten grams of mushrooms, I’ve only ever dosed myself with as much as five before so I’m anxious about going into uncharted territory. I’m thinking about how insane what

Valeria Castaneda 0
21 Dec 2021

Psychedelics May Have Cured My PTSD

Written By Valeria Castaneda TRIGGER WARNING I’m not a medical doctor and I’m not licensed to give any medical advice, the following is my personal experience with psychedelics and what I’ve gained from using them. I’ve always been keenly interested in the world of psychotropic drugs but after experiencing a

Valeria Castaneda 0