
16 Nov 2010

Ways To Cut Costs This Holiday Season

The leaves are blowing around and the temperature is dropping, which means it’s time to celebrate the holiday season. You will overeat and drink too much, all which are fixable. But people are always looking at ways to cut costs around this expensive time of year. Here are a few

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
12 Nov 2010

Unemployed Fantasies: or, Why You Don’t Actually Need a Job

Yeah, we know ‘“ unemployment sucks. It’s always sucked: Bereft of cash and inundated with spare time, the life of the unemployed can be said to resemble an almost Biblical purgatory. But what if that’s not the case? What if, in an effort to maintain our sanity, we put a

12 Nov 2010

Things I Refuse to Buy: Umbrellas

Fuck buying umbrellas. It’s a waste of money because first off, you are guaranteed to lose them immediately, and second, if you manage to keep an umbrella for any extended period of time, it falls apart. The umbrella industry does this on purpose because they know people are just going

Katy B. - Economic Inexpert 0
09 Nov 2010

Broke-Ass Etiquette: Holiday Parties

Q: Dear Half-Price Headliner, Is it rude to show up at a holiday party empty handed?  If so, how can I bring something and not go broke doing so? A: It depends on the party.  If the gathering is casual and impromptu, then BYOB is the general rule, and you

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
07 Nov 2010

On Getting Hurt (While Uninsured)

There is a website floating around currently called The title is apt, obviously, because the site’s main and sole focus is to present, plainly, the current-president’s ostensibly impressive list of accomplishments. Elegantly glib, swear words are thrown around for effect. “Big fucking deal,” it says. What else?” For the

06 Nov 2010

Baby Shower Does Not Involve Showering a Baby

These days it seems like almost everyone I know are (like maybe four people, two I only know from the internet) in the “family way” and about to introduce another bundle of joy/little monster (potato/potatOH) in the world. Accompanying this terrifying event where the woman almost splits her body in

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter 0
05 Nov 2010

Weird But Affordable Pets

Background to this post: there is a long-haired dachshund puppy living somewhere near my apartment that I cannot even be around, because she is too cute. A few weeks ago I saw her tethered outside Dumont Burger, waiting for her owner, and I stopped to give her a pet and

Katy B. - Economic Inexpert 0
02 Nov 2010

Get Your Vote On Today

Broke asses unite! There’s one thing that’s n FREE do to but costly to gain in this country, and while it doesn’t involve drink specials it’s still worth your time. Naturally, I am talking about voting, and this election is as significant as it is viral video prone. I’m based

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0