Arts and Culture

28 Jun 2010

Floyd in NYC: So Much Beer, So Few Dollars

There are a few reasons a person might drink six cans of shit beer in one sitting. Getting fired. Getting dumped. The United States losing to Ghana. Weekday afternoons. You know, truly heartbreaking shit. Luckily, like most necessities in this city, there is a bar for that. Floyd, which sits

Polina Yamshchikov - Flirt Poor 0
27 Jun 2010

The Big Terrific Comedy Show – FREE Every Wednesday

Being in Times Square always makes me want to murder everyone. It’s crowded, loud, covered in trash, the ads give you seizures – there is no end to its awfulness. But the worst are those people from the Ha! comedy club who stand on every corner soliciting you to attend

Katy B. - Economic Inexpert 0
26 Jun 2010

Old Stuff Rules – Awesome Vintage Clothing Event

The best way to avoid that mortifying moment when you realize that, horror of horrors, some ho is wearing the exact same dress as you is actually quite simple; buy vintage! Not only will you be the envy of all your friends, if you do it right, you’ll save lots

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
26 Jun 2010

Patron Part II: My New Landlady

Since I am currently in the middle of a move to a new apartment (from Williamsburg to Greenpoint) I thought I would dedicate this post to a continuation of the ‘œPatron’ discussion.  It just so happens that I may have stumbled upon a new one to add to my growing

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
25 Jun 2010

Get Your Culture on for FREE at The Dresses/Object Project Installation This Weekend

Some art exhibits I’ll go to simply for the FREE munchies, bubbly and hit-or-miss eye candy, but The Dresses/Object Project Installation at Z Space at Theatre Artaud actually sounds like something I’d go to sober and without the promise of deviled eggs (though, excitingly, I hear there will be FREE wine

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
24 Jun 2010

Win a FREE All Acess Badge to the Northside Music Festival

You may have noticed an abundance of cut-off shorts and a general congenial attitude going around, well make no mistake, New Yorker’s are amped for summer. And with this new season marks the beginning of outdoor music festivals and shows. Sure there’s Coachella, Bonnaroo, and the hippest of the hip,

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
24 Jun 2010

Time Travel to the Year 2000: FREE Lifehouse Concert in Golden Gate Park

Remember how great everything was in the year 2000? Back when we were all 10 years younger than we are now and we thought “Hanging By A Moment” was just a really great song, and that Lifehouse was definitely going to be the next Oasis? Remember back before all the

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
24 Jun 2010

NYC Pride Ride 2010

It is that time of the summer’PRIDE is back, people. Begin your celebration of Gay Pride with a one-of-a-kind bike tour’.a GAY bike tour’the Pride Ride 2010. Beginning in the Upper East Side, this tour travels through Times Square to the neighborhoods of Chelsea, East and West Village. Along the

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0