Arts and Culture

27 Mar 2009

You giveth, you damn right I taketh: The really really free market

How is it that hippies save my ass every time? Just when I’m flat broke and have $65 in my bank account [because of moving and it being the end of the month], the Really Really Free Market pops up. Yes, that’s not just reiteration to get you to come…only

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
26 Mar 2009

Skin Diving on Castro

If you’re a fan of gay porn and have always wanted to grease the palms of your favourite sticky luminaries instead of just your own, then comb your hair, dab a little Stetson behind your ear and make tracks for Castro Street this Friday night.   Online flesh peddlers

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
26 Mar 2009

Heavy Petting Human Zoo

I went to a Rangers game the other night and was transported back to my childhood in Maine, where we would get up before sunrise for morning practices and occasionally make the drive to Portland to watch the Maine Mariners, now the Portland Pirates, our state’s National Hockey League farm

25 Mar 2009

FREE Alice Russell Show at Amoeba tonight

  Looking for a little Amy Winehouse in your life, but can’t handle all the fuckery?  Then Alice Russell is your girl.  While you could pay $20 to go see this blue-eyed soulstress at Yoshi’s tonight, I advise going to Amoeba Records on Haight St. instead, and seeing her for FREE!  Plus

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
24 Mar 2009

Make Some Memes

Last night’s free lecture was pretty sweet, and not just because professor Patrick Gannon had a delivery like Kids in the Hall’s Kevin McDonald. He showed us some gross anatomical brain asymmetries consistent in humans, chimps, and gorillas in the ‘œcomprehension’ brain regions before propelling into more subtle asymmetries in

23 Mar 2009

Get Your Neuroscience!

Today I’m going to reveal a little inner dorkling, but don’t worry, I’ll temper it with some theatrical overcompensation, Tarantino style. After university, I walked away from a neuro-imaging internship with Harvard to go teach tennis  in Switzerland. I’ve been sidetracked ever since, but still love all things neuro, including

22 Mar 2009

LGBTQ Youth Meal Night

     Even in the best of times, the city can be a cold, hard place when you’re young, queer and just spent the last of your money on a one-way ticket here from Gaybashville, USA.  The Castro can offer plenty in the way of hook-ups and booze, but often

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
21 Mar 2009

Midnight Movie and a Flask of Fun

  The Clay Theatre is known for their hilarious Midnight Movie specials and is often prone to crazy contests before their showings on Saturday nights. When I was a lame ass freshman in the dorms, living on campus at SFSU [aka middle of nowhere], my dorm-mates and I would constantly look

Monica Miller - The Intern 0