Arts and Culture

15 Apr 2009

This Just In: Free Vodka Tonight at Etiquette Lounge

My friend Emily over at The Good Hotel just hipped me to the fact that the Etiquette Lounge is having a Comedy Jam type thingy tonight where there will be FREE vodka drinks from 8-9pm.  Normally, I’d be there to prove that not just douchebags go to Etiquette Lounge, but I’m

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
15 Apr 2009

$3 Bhi Bhiman Show Tonight (4/15) aka The End to a Perfect Day

If you’ve been following the site the past few days, you’ve noticed that a lot of great cheap shit is coming up today.  There’s the $2 A’s game, FREE admission to the new Science Museum, and the FREE tacos at Taco Del Mar.     If you’re unemployed or don’t mind playing

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 Apr 2009

Free Admission to California Academy of Sciences on Wednesday

Ahhhhh SNAP!  It’s finally here.  The third Wednesday of the month, and you know what that means don’t you (other than that you’re period is late)?  It means that admission is FREE to the California Academy of Sciences.  This museum is so dope that it actually focuses on multiple sciences, not just one

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 Apr 2009

Future Beneath Us: FREE Exhibit

Every time I end up at the far end of a train platform I think about going to explore the tunnels.  A part of me knows there won’t be anything crazy, just mostly dark, dank concrete and piping – a lot of it tagged.  There’d be rats.  Maybe I’d run

13 Apr 2009

NYC Parks Are Free and have other free things

Despite gusty winds,  yesterday was a beautiful day.  Still, a bunch of us Mainers and a handful of Arkansans/Arkansanites/Arkansanivians  expressed guarded optimism,  the memory of past teaser days lingering.  Sure, 60 and sunny in January is no cause to lift expectations.   You take it at face value, maybe get a

12 Apr 2009

Hunky Jesus contest in Dolores Park Today

Look, I’m not gonna lie.  Updating websites on Sunday mornings sucks.  Nobody likes doing it.  But it’s something that has to be done.  So I’m just gonna say that I’m gonna be at Dolores Park all day long enjoying the nice weather, some jello shots and the hunky Jesus content.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
12 Apr 2009

Monthly Hipster Art Party Celebrates Eggbeater: FREE entry for “artists”

  Passover, Easter, the resurrection of Christ, and the exodus from Egypt will all be heartily ignored in favor of a non-discriminatory posting about a party celebrating something that clearly deserves acknowledgement: the eggbeater.  In my experience the bastard is hard to clean up – I always tried to lick

10 Apr 2009

Snuggie Wars! Free Crawl Tomorrow Vs. $20 Crawl on the 18th

The Snuggie is an interesting phenomenon, not because of its similarity to the standard stable blanket, nor its druid-inspired aesthetic.  A huge, fleece blanket with sleeves and a hood just makes sense. No, it is interesting because of the fan culture of the product and its decimation of its competitor