DI-Wine Part Two: Stoppers and Storage
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I am not yet done talking about wine, or wine-related crafts. In fact, one of the many items on my Geez-I-Wish-I-Had-Enough-Time-To-Do List is to start a drunken craft group inspired by some dear friends in Portland who have been knockin’ ‘em back and getting crafty for a while

DI-Wine: Tags and Bags
Several years ago, a roommate and I were making a Trader Joe’s run when the cashier looked at the conveyer belt (which held many, many bottles of wine and …some food) then asked us, “Where’s the party?” We’re not sure if he was disappointed or impressed when we told him

How to Build Your Home Bar, Part II: Tools of the Trade
Last week on “Your Home Bar,” we outlined your basic liquor necessities to begin mixin’ drinks at home like a pro. So by now, you’re probably staring blankly at your bottles of Rumple Minze, Baileys, and Everclear, wondering, “What on earth do I do now?” Two options: 1) SHOTS (what

Cheap Beauty Tip of the Week: DIY Face Masks
Five-star spa facials are amazing. They’re also quite expensive. If you can afford to take time off of work and splurge on something as luxurious as a spa day, lucky you! But just because your broke doesn’t mean your skin has to suffer and you can’t pamper yourself. For all

Broke-Ass Survival Guide for a Zombie Apocalypse
If you’re not already up to speed on your Walking Dead, it’s probably time you get started. With recent news of the “Miami Zombie,” 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, who was reportedly naked as he chewed off the face of an innocent homeless man, until policeman took him down after multiple fires

How to Build Your Home Bar – Part I: Bar Basics
I’m shocked no one has talked about this yet, but it’s high time we discussed drinking at home in more depth. Getting hammered in bars is all well and good, especially if you can get someone else to buy your drinks. But then you always end up owing somebody something.

DIY: Coasters
Much like bookmarks and ashtrays, coasters are the kind of crafts you make when you’ve screwed up your intended craft project, are six years old, or are a newbie crafter just testing the waters. Coasters are just that kind of craft because they’re easy to make out of anything and

DIY: Mason Jar Crafts
One of the essential things to have in your craft arsenal – in addition to an X-acto knife, duct tape, packing tape, – is a mason jar. Or, if you enjoy vodka, several mason jars. Heck, you don’t even really need to make a special trip or buy new