13 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Hot Soy Chicken Wings

“ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOOOOTBAAAAALL!” is something I shout many times during this time of year to test my friends’ patience with me. And when it’s time to start thinking about football, it’s obviously also time to think about WINGS. Good wings are hard to find… so hard that I

Jill S. 0
06 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Peanut Butter Banana Cookies

Hello! Welcome to the inaugural post of the Broke-Ass Kitchen, a new weekly feature from your penniless pals here at BAS. We’re going to load you up with tons of cheap recipes so that you can stay well-fed even when your wallet’s not. Nothing will involve having to special order

Jill S. 0
05 Sep 2011

When Is IKEA Not Your Friend? When You’re Furnishing a One-month Sublet

In hindsight, I believe the logic used to implement this idea went like this: “I am a cheapskate who wants to explore NYC, but I’m deathly scared of bedbugs. No furniture equals no hidden places that those darn cretins can hide.” This is a valid concern since bedbugs are known

Patricia Serrano - Destitute Diva 0
31 Aug 2011

DIY: Make Your Own Key Rack

My friend Kat has a theory that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who come home, set down their bags, put away their keys and hang up their coats and those who come home and drop/throw their shit wherever. Being one of the former – and

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
24 Aug 2011

DIY Credit Card Crafts

The bane of many a broke-ass – myself included – is credit cards. Most of you are probably carrying some credit card debt – statistically, the average consumer carries four credit cards, with the amount of debt per person at roughly $7,800. Those tiny plastic demons plague me, so I’ve

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
17 Aug 2011

DIY: Cocktails, Take Two

Image courtesy How many times have you heard this sentence: “C’mon, just one drink.” ? And, how many times has that one drink spiraled into a table of empty glasses, clinking together while you laugh hysterically over the pick-up lines from the guy at the bar and then pass

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
10 Aug 2011

90s ‘Dos, Just for You

It’s not breaking news that 90s nostalgia is super hip right now.  Children of the 90s, such as myself, are now in their twenties– a time when life gets downright complicated by jobs and relationships and a lot of other junk.  Most of us long for simpler times– times when

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
10 Aug 2011

DIY: Cocktail Umbrellas

Broke-asses and cocktails go together like Ben & Jerry, peanut butter and chocolate, Kei$ha and auto-tune…. We all know if we’re gonna drop serious coin, it’s going to be on something alcoholic with a name like the Tin Lizzy or the Soma Sour. In my opinion, the best cocktails come

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0