10 Aug 2011

90s ‘Dos, Just for You

It’s not breaking news that 90s nostalgia is super hip right now.  Children of the 90s, such as myself, are now in their twenties– a time when life gets downright complicated by jobs and relationships and a lot of other junk.  Most of us long for simpler times– times when

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
10 Aug 2011

DIY: Cocktail Umbrellas

Broke-asses and cocktails go together like Ben & Jerry, peanut butter and chocolate, Kei$ha and auto-tune…. We all know if we’re gonna drop serious coin, it’s going to be on something alcoholic with a name like the Tin Lizzy or the Soma Sour. In my opinion, the best cocktails come

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
04 Aug 2011

DIY Maps

This week, what I really wanted to do was cover crafts and DIY projects involving Muni Fast Passes like this: but there are some obvious obstacles mostly in that, well, the Fast Pass is done-zo and the Clipper card just doesn’t have the same cache. However, three bucks will still

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
03 Aug 2011

Get your Craft on!

So I’m a huge craft nerd, …like seriously. I can spend hours and hours in Michael’s (it drives my boyfriend crazy). But I figure that anything I can make myself is waaaay better than anything I can purchase. I mean, it might not come out as crisp and clean, or

Paulette Greenhouse - The Penny Pincher 0
30 Jul 2011

DIY: Pickling Party!

It’s time to get pickled… Obviously, “Pickling’ is the new hot social gathering going on these days. (Which I just found out is also called “the art of preserving”…) My uber cool little sister Heather hosts these parties where her friends come over and pickle the shit out of a

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
27 Jul 2011

DIY: Repurpose Plastic Bags

Image courtesy The new issue of Rolling Stone arrived at the casa today and it features a three page story on the plastic bag industry with some alarming statistics like “the world consumes 1 million plastic shopping bags every minute.” That’s a lot of bags – especially when you

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
23 Jul 2011

Summer Scavenging Tips and Recipes

The other day I took a walk around the block after lunch at work, and I came back with a whole bunch of fruit and herbs that I basically stole from the neighbors trees. Luckily, I work in a residential area, and no one was around to see me swiping

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
20 Jul 2011

DIY Shadow Boxes

Image couresty Last week I promised y’all shadow boxes, inspired by the shadow box/diorama art of Glass Cathedrals, and as I’m a woman of my word, we’re talkin’ shadow boxes. They’re rad, they’re easy and all you really need is the box itself. And well, stuff to put in

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0