90s ‘Dos, Just for You
It’s not breaking news that 90s nostalgia is super hip right now. Children of the 90s, such as myself, are now in their twenties– a time when life gets downright complicated by jobs and relationships and a lot of other junk. Most of us long for simpler times– times when

DIY: Cocktail Umbrellas
Broke-asses and cocktails go together like Ben & Jerry, peanut butter and chocolate, Kei$ha and auto-tune…. We all know if we’re gonna drop serious coin, it’s going to be on something alcoholic with a name like the Tin Lizzy or the Soma Sour. In my opinion, the best cocktails come

DIY Maps
This week, what I really wanted to do was cover crafts and DIY projects involving Muni Fast Passes like this: but there are some obvious obstacles mostly in that, well, the Fast Pass is done-zo and the Clipper card just doesn’t have the same cache. However, three bucks will still

Get your Craft on!
So I’m a huge craft nerd, …like seriously. I can spend hours and hours in Michael’s (it drives my boyfriend crazy). But I figure that anything I can make myself is waaaay better than anything I can purchase. I mean, it might not come out as crisp and clean, or

DIY: Pickling Party!
It’s time to get pickled… Obviously, “Pickling’ is the new hot social gathering going on these days. (Which I just found out is also called “the art of preserving”…) My uber cool little sister Heather hosts these parties where her friends come over and pickle the shit out of a

DIY: Repurpose Plastic Bags
Image courtesy The new issue of Rolling Stone arrived at the casa today and it features a three page story on the plastic bag industry with some alarming statistics like “the world consumes 1 million plastic shopping bags every minute.” That’s a lot of bags – especially when you

Summer Scavenging Tips and Recipes
The other day I took a walk around the block after lunch at work, and I came back with a whole bunch of fruit and herbs that I basically stole from the neighbors trees. Luckily, I work in a residential area, and no one was around to see me swiping

DIY Shadow Boxes
Image couresty Last week I promised y’all shadow boxes, inspired by the shadow box/diorama art of Glass Cathedrals, and as I’m a woman of my word, we’re talkin’ shadow boxes. They’re rad, they’re easy and all you really need is the box itself. And well, stuff to put in