Silkscreen Your Way Through Cinco de Mayo
For those of you who are over wearing a Mexican sombrero, a fake mustache and shooting squirt guns full of Tequila this Cinco de Mayo, let your creative juices flow at the Museum of Craft and Folk Art’s Craft Bar with Etsy Labs. Every first Thursday of the month the

DIY Stencils
Image Courtesy If you’ve lived in San Francisco for any length of time you probably know Jeremy Novy’s Koi fish stencils – in fact, it’d be hard not to notice them since there are over 2,000 koi stencils spread throughout the city. I have a particular fondness for the

Your Home Bar, Part IV of V: Stretch That Booze, Son!
At this point, your home bar should be nearing completion. You’ve likely dropped a month’s burrito money on stocking your shelves with the booze, the tools, and the other essentials, but it’d be a crime for me to turn you loose now. This week, we’re going to chat about getting

Your Home Bar, Part III of V: Mixers and Other Ingredients
Last week on “Your Home Bar,” we outlined the tools you’ll need if you wanna be a bar star. You’ll need a couple more things before you can have that fancy cocktail party without being laughed out of town. Booze is terrifically yummy (and effective!) by itself, but not everyone

DIY: Pot Rack
Creating space in small apartments is a finely cultivated broke-ass skill. From putting your dresser in the closet, to hanging fabric to separate room space, and creating book space in the rafters, we’ve all had a studio that required some crafty use of space. Last weekend my fella and I

DIY Headboards
Beds themselves are decidedly not broke-ass, trust me, I’m in bad need of a new mattress and shopping for one is beyond depressing and involves a lot of cussing, drinking and procrastinating. However, bed accessories like bedding and headboards are much easier to DIY, and so much more fun to

Making Money with YouTube with Little to No Effort
“Girl you have a problem”: my favorite comment on my video Let me tell you a morning time (or whatever time you are reading this, really) story. A long long time ago back when we were all younger, like four years ago, you couldn’t post videos to Flickr. I know,

More Soup for You: A Delicious and Cheap Recipe
Here in the Bay Area, there’s pretty much never a bad time to eat soup. It’s like that thing that Mark Twain said. You know, that quote that everyone from out of town references when describing our weather patterns. Anyway, even though it’s April, it feels like November out there,