13 Oct 2009

Berkeley’s Urban Ore: The Best in East Bay Salvage

One of my old roommates gets immediately overwhelmed by large, overstocked stores.  As soon as she enters a thrift shop, a library, or a salvage yard, she has to pee’”it’s some sort of physiological phenomenon triggered by clutter.  For her, Urban Ore is the worst (the bathrooms are nothing to

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
11 Oct 2009

An Animal Lover’s Contradictions

I am an avid animal advocate.  I also eat meat.  And I love it. Last week I wrote about the magic and the possibilities emerging in my life right now as I relinquish my vegetarianism and dive back into the world of meats.  I have no problem with the idea

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
09 Oct 2009

DIY Diva: The end of the world is near!!! (Making a good disaster preparedness kit)

Heyo-the DIY Diva here. Last Friday I went to see Zombieland on a splurge night with some other broke-ass friends. It should be mentioned that Zombieland was the best zombie movie we’d seen since Shaun of the Dead. But, that is not what this column is about. It’s about the

Kate Kotler - DIY Diva 0
06 Oct 2009

The Rock Paper Scissors Collective

If you read Monica’s post about Workshop on Saturday, then you know that BAS loves DIY.  And the more the merrier, so here is another DIY hub in the East Bay. In the heart of the Oakland art scene is a little hole in the wall called the Rock Paper

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
05 Oct 2009

FREE: Learn to Grow Food on Your Roof

Roofs in NYC can be hard enough to put yourself on, let alone anything besides a metal folding chair or a milk crate. Some people are determined enough, and manage to set up their roof tops with couches, canopies and kiddie pools. And then there’s people like Annie Novak who

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
03 Oct 2009

5 Reasons You Should Head To Workshop

So as I was shooting the shit yesterday with Stuart on my day off, we both realized that we have robbed our readers of a real explanation about what Workshop is. Kelly Malone, one of the closest comrades of BAS and an amazing friend, has finally kicked off her dream

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
02 Oct 2009

DIY Diva: Composting Bins for Under $20

Heyo- the DIY Diva here with part two of my “grossest project yet” post about building composting bins. So, faithful readers, I took a bit of crap last week from commenters who objected to my post about the process of researching how to build a composting bin to prepare mulch

Kate Kotler - DIY Diva 0
25 Sep 2009

DIY Diva: My Grossest Project Yet

Heyo – the DIY Diva here with my grossest, most disgusting project yet.  Today I’m going to talk today about building my very own composting bin. I just moved to an apartment in Oakland which has a huge backyard.  My housemates and I have discussed starting a sort-of urban farm

Kate Kotler - DIY Diva 0