Eat & Drink

18 Mar 2011

Eat Some Bull Penis at Kenka

This originally appeared in Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in New York. Oh Kenka…Kenka…Kenka…Kenka. You are one of the weirdest fucking places I’ve ever eaten in my entire life and for that, I salute you. I’m literally sitting here in front of my computer trying to find the proper

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Mar 2011

Cubana Social: Fancy Place for Your Lack of Cash

My deepest apologies to potatoes, but I think I’ve fallen in love with another fry. Sweet potato fries never charmed me, but yucca fries are quite possibly the greatest (savory) fried food I’ve ever eaten. Specifically, the yucca fries with tomatillo sauce from Cubana Social. The fries speak for themselves,

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
15 Mar 2011

Awesome Deals in Lower Haight Tonight for Haighteration’s 1st Bday Bash!

Come out and celebrate local blog Haighteration! Today is our friends over at Haighteration‘s 1st birthday, and in honor of the awesomeness of their neighborhood blog, over 40 businesses in the Lower Haight will be offering all sorts of goodies.  Just mention “Haighteration” and you’re golden. Highlights include a special

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
12 Mar 2011

Sunday Pizza Bowl: Presidio Bowling Center

There’s nothing like pounding Coors Lights, stuffing your face with greasy pepperoni pizza and belting out the lyrics to Paradise City while dancing like Axel Rose after getting your second strike in a row on a rainy Sunday afternoon. If you really want to end your weekend with a bang,

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
11 Mar 2011

V-Bar Brightens the Corner

I picked today’s subject under the bold assumption that I am not the only person who thinks pasta is one of the most awesome breakfasts foods, ever, ever. Why should we wait until night time to enjoy the the post-pasta eating euphoria when we can feel that bloat-er, I mean-glow

Jill S. 0
09 Mar 2011

Nachos! Beer! Sports! At Professor Thom’s

Although my Ohio State “I bleed scarlet and gray maaan” allegiance should keep me from ever so much as walking on the same side of the street of a bar known as my rival Michigan hang-out, I cannot resist the siren call of good nachos. And Professor Thom’s has the

Jill S. 0
08 Mar 2011

Free Movies (and More) at Actual Café

BIKE RACK I keep hearing about Oakland’s Actual Café. And although I have yet to visit this particular spot, I’m planning on it. And you should too. It actually (wah wah) sounds pretty rad. Here is why: 1. They’ve got this whole “we love bikes” thing going for them. Their

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
07 Mar 2011

Coffee For High Society At Culture Espresso Bar

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again- Midtown is a wasteland. Entire theses can be written to describe why it’s a soul-sucking experience to trek along 34th St and 57th St between Lexington Ave and 8th Ave. However, like in most examples of blight, some philanthropic souls see fit

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0