Eat & Drink

18 Feb 2011

Check Out San Francisco Made of Paper Tonight at The Curiosity Shoppe!

Nailed it, Chloe…nailed it. It’s no secret that we residents of San Francisco loooooooove our city.  If we didn’t, we wouldn’t live paycheck-to-paycheck, in, like, the fifth most expensive place in the country.  Yeah, it’s foggy sometimes and flipping over the handlebars of your bike when the wheels get stuck

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
18 Feb 2011

The Five People You Meet In Line for Coffee

The man in the olive trench coat didn’t get enough sleep last night. He has a face puffy and pale, with eyes cast downward and eyelids drooping. His shoulders sag, and when he looks up and orders a large coffee, his spine stiffens and he tilts his head back, breathing

16 Feb 2011

Broke-Ass Giveaway: ScoutMob Gift Certificate to Red Bamboo

Either way, we all win! We’re all a fan of free stuff right? And now it’s even easier than ever to score discounts with online coupon sites. I’ve already professed my love for Scoutmob before and with good reason. Their no-strings attached model makes them standout in a sea of

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
15 Feb 2011

FREE Coffee All Over NYC Through February

Oh my God, you guys. Did you hear about this? This is kinda major. Like, new-Rococop-movie level major. When I budget out my life I can always count on a few common red lines. Biggest one is booze, naturally, but a perpetual deficit is my love of coffee. Now, thanks

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
15 Feb 2011

Tonight! Five-Dollar Frickin’ Firkin Fest: Say That Five Times Fast

Firk y’all, I’m gettin’ hammered! I had to do some deep Googling to figure out what a firkin is, but the takeaway is that it involves beer. It’s also a fun word to say, so go to SF Beer Week‘s Frickin’ Firkin Fest tonight (Tuesday) at Heart, hosted by Monk’s

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
13 Feb 2011

Stock up on Cheap Vegetarian Eats at Rainbow Grocery

Where hippies and broke-asses converge. We’ve mentioned Rainbow Grocery before on Broke-Ass Stuart, the super hip co-op grocery store in the Mission, but after my trip there last week, the first one in a long while, I decided to provide a list of things that are really cheap and are

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
13 Feb 2011

Lupercalia: The Better VD

Valentine’s Day is lame, right? Or it’s awesome, if you’re coupled up, a fan of chocolate, and/or not a strong feminist. But why settle for ignoring, protesting, or even participating in this church-sanctioned holiday for lovers? Lucky for you, an ancient Roman fertility festival takes place February 13-15 every year

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
13 Feb 2011

FREE Vibrators! FREE Beer! FREE Ice Cream! And More!

This is either ice cream or a vibrator – we’re not sure. Yupyupyup. You’ve read that correct. Who knew that you’d wake up today and find out that all your dreams were about to come true. Courtesy of your Fairy Godmother, er.. Good Vibrations: “the Pop-up Dildo Shop and Ice

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter 0