Eat & Drink

11 Jan 2011

Good Food Awards Marketplace

Good Food Month kicks off this Saturday with a special marketplace featuring finalists from the Good Food Awards. From January 14’“February 20th, the Bay Area will celebrate “the myriad food crafters creating tasty, authentic and responsible food, and the agricultural communities they are tied to.” Saturday’s marketplace will take place

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
11 Jan 2011

Brooklyn Mac: Just Break Your New Years Resolution Already

So remember that awesome coffee place CUP, you guys? Wellllll, guess what just opened up literally next door? A MOTHER EFFING MAC AND CHEESE PLACE called Brooklyn Mac. They name all of their mac and cheeses after different Brooklyn neighborhoods, and they have 3 different sizes– which really just answers

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
10 Jan 2011

Learn About Bees and Make Microwave Candy at Brooklyn Brainery

Did you know that the city health department finally lifted its ban on beekeeping in New York? Well, they did. It’s totally legal for you to get your own bees and a hive with sliding drawers of honeycomb. Nothing can stop you from turning your rooftop into a factory for

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
09 Jan 2011

“Bargain Bites” Restaurants in SF

Leaving a(n empty) oven on can only warm your apartment up so much and does nothing to assuage an empty stomach. And as the old adage goes: empty stomach, empty oven equals a one-way ticket to Unhappy Town. (Or something like that.) So might I suggest perusing the San Francisco

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter 0
07 Jan 2011

There’s Magic in the Grease at Jimmy’s Diner

Admittedly, I’m a little distracted while I’m writing this post. I keep staring out my window and watching the snow. It’s in that phase where the flakes are big and fluffy and beautiful. But if you’re sick of the snow and plan to spend the weekend hibernating, you should go

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
06 Jan 2011

Play the $4 Po’ Boy Sandwich Lottery at Falletti Foods

I’m something of a connoisseur when it comes to sandwiches. There’s really no more versatile or more portable carb-and-meat combination for my money (which isn’t very much money). The only problem with sandwich shopping in San Francisco is that every “sandwich shop” has a two-hour wait for something they’re just

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
05 Jan 2011

5 Day Extension On Holiday Bingeing Courtesy of Yelp’s Holiday Hangover

Just when you thought you had survived the gauntlet that is the holiday season, San Francisco’s own arbiters of star-rating and the voice of maddening crowds, Yelp, have decided to include the latter in their annual holiday party. Like restaurants, bars and other service industry businesses, they’re having their shindig

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
05 Jan 2011

Cheese-Covered fun at The Levee

I first fell in love with The Levee in the same way I fell in love with watching old re-runs of “Cops”… I couldn’t can’t resist its guaranteed cheap thrills. It doesn’t try too hard,  just delivers a large drink selection for wallets big and small, gives us kids some

Jill S. 0