Rescue Row: The Officially Official Pet Rescue City Block in San Francisco
I grew up in a house with three indoor cats (two rescued ferals + one neighbor abandoned) and two outdoor ferals. Eventually we also rescued a Golden Labrador, Beau, from the same aforementioned neighbor. They decided to move and leave the dog behind in the front yard with no access
Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: The Best $5 Red Wines
My second love is wine (second only to food). Oh, wine: you beautiful muse. I adore thee. A while back my parents decided to do a Sideways-inspired family vacation (I think that movie affected us all): we all went up and down the wine country. A little pinot, a little syrah,
Entertaining for the Poor as F**k: Stop whining and Throw Yourself a Birthday
There was a time in my life when I left my birthday plans up to others. For my 24th birthday, my then-boyfriend made plans to take me out for dinner, but first, the sweetheart treated me to a manicure and pedicure at my favorite salon. He even volunteered to drop
5 SOULutions to San Francisco’s Housing Crisis -Pt 2
WARNING: There is no easy fix to the San Francisco Housing Crisis that does not inevitably piss someone off. If you followed “Has San Francisco SOULed Out: Part One”, then you have read why its so important that we face the hard truth about who really is to blame for this mess. Surprise:
Has San Francisco SOULed Out?: Who really is to blame for SF’s Cultural Shift pt 1
It has become grossly apparent that the once, vibrantly raw streets of San Francisco, full of oddballs and eccentrics, is slowly being replaced with a hollow shell of architecture and “economically confident”. But is it all due to the “techies? ” I wonder as they stare aimlessly at their Twitters and Twats,
Visit Urban Upbound for FREE Financial Advice in NYC
In “News-That-Hardly-Qualifies-As-News-News”, New York City is still expensive as shit. Expert broke assess show little to no signs of this improving. Due to the financial climate of the city (and your bank account) it is absolutely crucial that you continue to utilize all available services and resources the city
An SF History Lesson and Advice on How to Fight for Housing Rights
Railroad industrialist Charles Crocker was a real asshole. You know the kind I mean, the bastards who think that just because they have money, they can buy, fuck, and own anything they want. The kind filled with the type of arrogance that ultimately brings down monarchies, leads companies be dismantled
Win a Signed Copy of Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply and a Dirty Limerick!
I figure it’s been awhile since I did a giveaway for what a few drunk bums in the public library consider the best book of all time, Young, Broke & Beautiful: Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply. Plus if you win, I will sign it AND write a dirty limerick in it!