
07 May 2013

Gifteng: The Best New App For Broke Asses

Take Freecycle, Pinterest, and the “free stuff” category from Craigslist, put them together, and you have new mobile app Gifteng. Gifteng allows you to get rid of all that random shit you have but don’t want to throw out because well, some of it’s actually cool. It’s just not for

Patricia Scull - Patty the Pauper 0
Garage sales, eBay, Pawn Stars, Signs, Titanic, VHS, Old Stuff
01 May 2013

Garage Sales: Too Broke to Buy Stuff? Sell Your Old Stuff.

Okay, so you look around your room and you have too much goddamned stuff. It’s a problem because you want to go out and buy more stuff, but to make room for that stuff, you’ll have to get rid of the stuff you already have that’s overflowing from your closet

Lindsay Kramer - Bridge and Tunnel Budget Stretcher 0
22 Apr 2013

A Response to Brooklyn Gentrification

Whether you think gentrification’s good, bad, natural, or hipster-white-boy-shit seeking “cool” culture but eliminating it, I’m witnessing it, first hand. Of course, it’s easy to retort, “You’re a skinny white boy with ginger hair and writes. That’s almost the stereotypical definition of gentrification.” I won’t argue you; it’s true. As

Tommy Burson - Tommy Salami Never Expires 0
18 Apr 2013

Moving Sucks! Save Money on Your Move with Unpakt!

Ben Franklin famously wrote that “Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” But what it should have said is, “…death, taxes, and that moving sucks.”

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
11 Apr 2013

The Perks of Being Unemployed

To the ones who have had some trouble holding down a job, or the ones who have had extreme difficulty actually landing a job to hold down, or the ones who simply just cannot work, here’s some good news. There are actually perks to being an unemployed citizen; a person

Joanne Rae - Coinless Wanderer 0
04 Mar 2013

Broke-Ass Adultolescence: Living at Home

“Living at home is such a drag. Now, your Mama threw away Your best porno mag.” – Fight for Your Right by the Beastie Boys Once upon a time, living at home was an unfortunate situation which only losers, failures, and the mentally unstable would have to endure. See, moving

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
26 Feb 2013

Three of the Biggest Ripoffs In NYC

Some expenses are unavoidable – fare for the (ever-increasing) metro, the monthly procurement of non-leaking shelter, avoiding starvation. If you’re savvy, you can probably manage to do this reasonably within budget. However, there are some things in this city so disproportionately costly, it might make you do a double take

Patricia Scull - Patty the Pauper 0
19 Feb 2013

How to Know When You’re a Broke-Ass

Let’s face it, guys. You woke one morning and it dawned on you: “I’m a broke-ass.” But how do you know? What evidence is there to prove that you’re a broke-ass or not? Here’s a few key signs that might let you know that you are indeed a broke-ass motherfucker.

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0