Sex and Dating

three femmes pose in front of a graffiti wall, wearing masks
20 Sep 2023

What to Wear to Folsom Street Fair

Now that Burning Man has come to its epic conclusion, it’s time for San Francisco to pivot and shift its focus to our next annual outdoor event. But the question for many first timers is what to wear to Folsom Street Fair? Late September is traditionally the time for Folsom

Rose Eden 0
13 Sep 2023

A Brief History of the Color Pink

By Carolyn McCoy Pink is the new black: I base this non-scientific proclamation on the popularity of that rosy color that now seems to be popping up like roses all through our society thanks to popularity of the Barbie movie. Lines outside of theaters for this feminist blockbuster have showcased

Guest Writer 0
24 Aug 2023

Amazing Art Structures Being Built at Burning Man 2023

While most people arrive on the Playa after everything is already built, most of the artists have been hauling, digging, hammering, strapping, sawing, and polishing in the dust (and rain) for weeks now, moving thousands of pounds of steel, glass, timber, (and elbow grease) onto a prehistoric lake bed in

16 Aug 2023

An “Adult Toy” Shaped Like Coit Tower? Yes Really.

Since so many people are saying “screw San Francisco” these days, we figured we’d help them do it.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Jun 2023

Drag & Trans Performers Give The Real Queer Sex and The City Re-boot We All Wanted

And just like that, drag queens saved my life. Not that my life was in danger, besides the general impending doom that exists in the world today around queer and trans people. What I mean to say is, last night drag performers made me full-body cackle for two hours straight and it was the purest joy I have experienced in a long time.

tjpayne 0
21 Jun 2023

Rainbow Washing: The Problem with Pride-for-Profit in June

By now, most all y’all know Pride started as a riot in 1970, but most companies didn’t even recognize the existence of the LGBTQ+ community for another 3-4 decades. Thus the mid-aughts brought us pinkwashing, or what is now referred to as, rainbow washing. Essentially, it’s the performative-for-profit strategy and

Curtis Conrad Schabath 0
A closed eye.
12 Jun 2023

This One’s Just for The Cissies

Circle up cisgender folks. Oh, happy Pride month. Isn’t it fun? I can hear the unasked questions bouncing between your tonsils. Questions about my genitalia, or a hungry curiosity surrounding my they/them pronouns or the stubble under my admittedly sloppy makeup. Even in the age of TikTok and extensive YouTube tutorials, I can’t quite figure makeup out yet. We’re doing what we can with what we have, which is a shaky lip line and some blunt, 80s blush. 

Guest Writer 0
31 May 2023

Millennials are Replacing Kids with Plants and Pets, and I’m Totally Here for it

Born as an early 90’s baby, I’d say I’m a true millennial. My generation was the one who, unfortunately, was raised with the baby boomers notion that life would be a breeze if you just checked off the boxes. Get a degree, a good job, find a partner (preferably one

Kaitlyn Morrison 0