The Funny, Sad, Crazy Uber-Review Tweets
Bitching about taxis is so 2012. Not only has Uber disrupted the way people get around town, they’ve also given everybody a new target of contempt. And just as their name suggests, Uber isn’t your run-of-the-mill whipping boy. No, they are the ultimate shock absorber for disdain. Remember when you
Have We Hit Peak Uber/Lyft?
The hardest part of driving a cab in San Francisco is dealing with all the Uber/Lyft cars clogging the streets. I’m willing to venture at least ninety percent of these freshly minted drivers don’t know what the hell they’re doing. They double-park with reckless abandon, jamming up arterial thoroughfares and
So Who Makes More, Taxi or Lyft/Uber Drivers?
Ok, let’s talk about the money… There is a common misconception that being an Uber/Lyft driver is more profitable than traditional taxi driving. The media likes to publicize reports, usually supplied by Uber and Lyft, that taxis are on the brink of becoming obsolete as these new app-based ride services continue to grow in popularity and take a larger
Spray Turns a Ballpark of Giants Fans into a Community of Baseball Neighbors
Oh hell yes. It’s finally baseball season and the San Francisco Giants, the champions of the goddamned world (or at least of the US and one city in Canada) are playing at AT&T Park. You’ve been waiting for this since October when you celebrated their championess by jumping over unnecessary fires on Valencia Street. You are a FAN!
Your Startup Sucks: Love in the Time of Surveillance — is that a camera in my ring?
Here at Your Startup Sucks, we’ve been highlighting some of the most ridiculous shit out there on Product Hunt. Oh, there have been some classics, haven’t there? – Siri for Sex – Date in a Box – the app that reminds you to breathe This week we have three
I Drive SF: Driving for Hire and the Illusion of Safety
Yeah, yeah, yeah… I know what you’re thinking. Another stupid taxi article. Who gives a shit, right? Cab drivers are all assholes. They won’t take you to the Sunset or Richmond districts. So fuck them. They refuse to accept credit cards. Rotten scumbags. What about their smelly cabs? The horrible
Your Startup Sucks: Apps that Remind You When to Breathe and When to Selfie
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris Bueller This week we are slowing down, taking a breath, writing in our journals, and of course, taking a selfie. Can apps and gizmos put the brakes on the acceleration
I Drive SF: “Is This a Lyft or Do I Need to Pay You?”
It’s Saturday night. I’m cruising through Hayes Valley, keeping a watchful eye for street hails outside the Jazz Center. On Franklin, a hand goes up, though somewhat feebly. I pull over anyway. A young guy approaches my window. “Can you take me to Safeway?” I look in my rearview at