
08 Jul 2024

The Darker Side of Pride

The days leading up to Pride weekend were like the drawback of a tidal wave (Pridal wave?). In preparation, we cut two industrial-sized buckets of limes, around three days’ worth. We stacked boxes on boxes of beer and seltzer in the walk-in, evacuating our supplies to higher ground. By Thursday night, we were ready. A coworker and I earned the privilege of clocking out early.

Jake Warren 0
14 Feb 2023

Brooke Jenkins Exploited by Homeland Security

The saga of City Hall’s right wing-ification continues. District Attorney Brooke Jenkins has ostensibly requested a reversal of San Francisco’s status as a Sanctuary City. The Chronicle and KTVU were quick to blame Jenkins when news first broke of the controversy. It is unfortunately an easily understandable impulse. Victorious by

Jake Warren 0
03 Jul 2022

Four Reasons Not To Celebrate the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July supposedly symbolizes freedom. It means liberty, self-governance. Independence from tyranny. July 4th is supposed to be fun, because living in America was supposed to be fun. The ruling fathers wove opulence into the foundational documents of this nation. They killed and enslaved for extravagant wealth, for

Jake Warren 0
11 May 2022

CAAMFest Turns 40!

For its 40th CAAMFest, the Center for Asian American Media has brought some intriguing films for this milestone film festival.  This year’s festival, which runs from May 12-22, 2022, will offer among other films: a SXSW Award-winning documentary set in the middle of red America; a horror comedy set in

cover photo; shang chi pulls the "stop requested" cord amid a bus fight scene in "shang chi and the seven rings"
22 Nov 2021

SF Muni Operator Breaks Down the Shang-Chi Bus Fight, Play-by-Play

One Muni operator’s analysis, fact-checking, and commentary on what the SF Chronicle described as the ‘second-best San Francisco car chase of all time‘ has won over the hearts of Marvel enthusiasts and public transit advocates alike. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings features a martial arts fight scene

17 Aug 2021

Ways You Can Help Afghan Refugees Now

The situation in Afghanistan is dire for anyone not ascribing to the Taliban way, but it is especially dangerous for our allies there who helped the U.S. over the past 20 years and for women and female children who fear a sharp return back to the misogynistic and abusive dark

19 Jan 2021

Pompeo Goes Full White Supremacist in Last Day On the Job

The man who has served as the president’s chief foreign policy advisor for just shy of three years, who has negotiated with foreign powers on behalf of the nation, said publicly Tuesday that multiculturalism is “not who America is.” With a little more than one day left on the job,

07 Aug 2019

Tucker Carlson Is a Prophet…for White Supremacists

Don’t worry, folks. Nothing to see here. Everything is all good – just fine and dandy. Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson says there is no white supremacy problem in the United States – like the whole Russia thing, the issue of people espousing white supremacist ideology and terrorizing communities is