
31 May 2024

Inside Oakland’s Secret Subterranean Tarot Temple

The Installation takes you on a journey through the 22 major arcana cards of the tarot, each created by Desdemona over the past three decades.

Katy Atchison 0
30 May 2024

The Bay Area’s Queen of Stained Glass: Kerbi Urbanowski

The “Artist You Should Know” series highlights artists before they exhibit their work somewhere or when they’re doing something artful and incredible. It’s our way of supporting the creative community and helping to keep The Bay a strange and wonderful place. Meet artist Kerbi Urbanowksi, who moved out to San Francisco

30 May 2024

The Willy Wonka of San Francisco: Barron Scott Levkoff 

If you’ve gone to an incredibly artful, immersive party in San Francisco in the last 3 decades there’s a good chance you’ve witnessed the handy work of Barron Scott Levkoff, or perhaps seen the wizard himself dressed as a psychedelic Sgt. Pepper, a Lewis Caroll Rabbit, or simply as San

30 May 2024

Guess Which SF Institution is NOT Shutting Down!

Too many of our favorite Bay Area institutions have closed down in recent years. The good news is that plans on always being here for you. But we need your help to do so. Most people don’t realize that it costs over $10,000 a month to run Broke-Ass Stuart.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
29 May 2024

SF DocFest Is Back, Baby!

The documentaries featured in the 23rd edition of the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival (hereafter “SF DocFest”) have subjects that go beyond the typical cable or broadcast television subjects of nature, history, or food and their “just the facts (or ideas), ma’am” approach.  The best of them tickle a viewer’s

29 May 2024

There’s A New Documentary About Emperor Being Made…and Guess Who’s in it!

Shortly after I first moved to San Francisco I learned about Joshua Abraham Norton aka Emperor Norton I, the Gold Rush era eccentric who, after losing all his money (and subsequently losing his marbles as well), showed back up in San Francisco in full royal regalia and declared himself the

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
29 May 2024

SF Sheriff’s Union Compares Overtime to Slavery as Members Make $200k+ in OT a Year

By Tom Gantert via The Center Square The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association recently referred to the extra hours their union members are working to as “slavery.” The union wrote on its website in April: “Overtime Slavery: San Francisco Sheriff’s Office Struggles Amidst Rising Violence and Staff Shortages.” “Within the

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