
20 Aug 2012

American Splendor in Pacific Puffs…

I’ve been known to fancy films that are dark. Dark humor, yes. But, also those that have a dark cast to their cinematography from the natural surroundings of the locations, or the usage of digital color correction that gave O Brother, Where Art Thou?  its sepia-tinted tones that gave the viewer

illyannam 0
13 Aug 2012

Ikea: Food and Furniture For Under $10…

Would it seem odd for someone to visit an establishment that was known for something other than food, just to eat? I’m not too proud to admit I’ve visited gas stations for BBQ and tacos. I’ve also frequented Ikea’s downstairs snack shack for $0.50 hot dogs. But, this time I

illyannam 0
08 Aug 2012

All-Star Tamales @ Alemany Farmer’s Market…

As usual, the air is balmy and the sky is overcast. Just as it should be on any respectable Saturday morning. It’s the perfect weather to cozy up with a bowl of soup on your overstuffed couch you paid too much for, and if you didn’t know, it’s also the

illyannam 0
07 Aug 2012

Susie Q’s Lunchbox: Cheap homage to Louisiana…

I’m sure when Louisiana-born Dale Hawkins wrote Susie Q in 1957, the last thing he thought it would spark was a Nola, Louisiana food truck (with a name that literally gives new meaning to the word food porn: Susie Q’s lunchbox, indeed) that sat in a parking lot in the

illyannam 0
25 Jul 2012

Sanguchon: Cheap Peruvian…

What’s to say about the Sanguchon Peruvian food truck that hasn’t already been said? I don’t know. All I can tell you is that the Chicharron sandwich, while being Peruano, tastes like a carnitas burrito, sans tortilla. Or, a torta, sans avocado. Their buns are, where do they have these

illyannam 0
22 Jul 2012

Cupkates: Key Lime Pie for Peasants…

I don’t normally like cupcakes. At best, I think they’re a great mobilizer of sugar into the system of greedy 5th graders during holiday parties with classmade, construction paper, chain link streamers. Well, that’s the only time I made and consumed cupcakes. Then, when the cupcake craze swept over America

illyannam 0
12 Jul 2012

Cheap-ish Puerto Rican: Sol Food @ SF Food Lab

  With my hometown dining companions trailing behind me as I scurried through the Market St. mass traffic of vagabonds and ill-forgotten street pharmacists, it’s impossible not to spot the lone foreign flag hanging outside the door. As a self-proclaimed unpatriotic citizen, the flag represents more than nationalism. The flag

illyannam 0
24 Aug 2011

Super Taste Handmade Noodles

There are a zillion cheap noodle shops in Chinatown, and I’ve tried many of them, but one of my all-time favorite starch purveyors is Super Taste on Eldridge Street.  This tiny restaurant doesn’t get gold stars for ambience or service, but who pays attention to any of that when there’s

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