
What $50,000 Doesn’t Buy You in San Francisco
by Shayan Saalabi As I hurtled toward my college graduation earlier this year, I became consumed by a ceaseless anxiety. I would no longer be a “student” (an English major, no less, floating without aim from semester to semester) but a part of “the workforce.” You know, the unemployed part

SF Big Wheel Race & Other Beautiful San Franciscans
“This is the perfect way to spend your Easter in between brunch and your inevitable trip to the emergency room.” On Easter Sunday the hipsters, techsters, youngsters, oldsters, hip-hoppers, cross-dressers, selfie-takers & merrymakers all converged on San Francisco’s most curviest crookedest street – Vermont Street– for the annual Bring Your

Herman Dune’s Sweet Thursday Celebrates Southern CA
Herman Dune’s first album in 7 years is a tribute to Southern California that will make you fall in love with the west coast all over again. David Ivar has spent most of their life on the road performing under pseudonym, “Herman Dune”. Dune hit the ground running – bringing

Super Dopeman of the Haight and Ashbury Part II
Driven by a desire for boozy good times, an unlikely and reluctant hero finds himself wielding incomprehensible powers of psychedelic proportions! Stay tuned in, dropped on and turned out for The Adventures of Doug, the Super Dope Man of the Haight and Ashbury. Read part I here. Doug wasn’t sure whether he’d

FiveThirtyEight Poll Confirms Hillary Clinton Is Antichrist
GUEST POST By: Satan, Prince Of Darkness Puny humans! My Antichrist is revealed in a recent FiveThirtyEight “polls-plus” forecast. As you can plainly see above from a recent FiveThirtyEight forecast, My great false messiah is revealed to be your Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, thus ensuring her complete victory over

SF Housing Crisis Horror Story Part 3
This is part two in a story about how ugly the housing crisis has made some living situations in San Francisco. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Part 3: The Future August 2016-? After months of intimidation, it looks like our evil landlady is stepping up her game. She

SF Housing Crisis Horror Story Part 1
Part 1: The Past March, 2015 The cameras went up on a Tuesday. There hadn’t been a notice posted about it, like there usually was about things concerning the building like how to separate the recycling and compost. In the two hours I’d been in my night class, I’d gotten

Vandalized ‘Super Bowl 50’ Statues, Ranked
What are the best vandalism jobs thus far performed on the Super Bowl 50 statues erected all over San Francisco? Unless your name is Mayor Ed Lee, you’re up in arms over these ugly-ass, taxpayer-funded, expensive-but-cheaply-produced Super Bowl 50 statues foisted on our otherwise-lovely city by a profiteering third-party outdoor