
06 Jun 2012

DI-Wine: Tags and Bags

Several years ago, a roommate and I were making a Trader Joe’s run when the cashier looked at the conveyer belt (which held many, many bottles of wine and …some food) then asked us, “Where’s the party?” We’re not sure if he was disappointed or impressed when we told him

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
06 Jun 2012

Weddings: A Broke-Ass’s Dream Party

Recently, I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in my BFF Kate’s wedding to her longtime main squeeze, Jason.  Besides an awkward moment where the Mother-of-the-Bride looked down at me while I was adjusting Kate’s train and said, “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride!” (way to send shivers down

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
05 Jun 2012

Caution: Your Precious New York Apartment Might Fall Apart

I have lived in New York my entire life, so I’m used to dodging dog shit on the sidewalk, homeless people asking me for money and I’ve come to the conclusion that only Jehovah’s Witnesses visit me on Saturday mornings.  It comes with the territory. Still, there are some things

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
05 Jun 2012

Enjoy the Sweet Sounds of the Accordion– FREE in Bryant Park

Throw a baguette under your hairy armpit and slap a beret onto your head– it’s time for lunchtime accordion concerts in Bryant Park!  Enjoy the sounds of Paris with FREE musette-style accordion music every Tuesday, from 12:30-2:30pm.  Pack a picnic lunch, and pretend you’re on a lavish European vacay– all

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
04 Jun 2012

How to Build Your Home Bar, Part II: Tools of the Trade

Last week on “Your Home Bar,” we outlined your basic liquor necessities to begin mixin’ drinks at home like a pro. So by now, you’re probably staring blankly at your bottles of Rumple Minze, Baileys, and Everclear, wondering, “What on earth do I do now?” Two options: 1) SHOTS (what

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
01 Jun 2012

Cheap Beauty Tip of the Week: DIY Face Masks

Five-star spa facials are amazing. They’re also quite expensive. If you can afford to take time off of work and splurge on something as luxurious as a spa day, lucky you! But just because your broke doesn’t mean your skin has to suffer and you can’t pamper yourself. For all

Kathleen Neves - Beauty Babe on a Budget 0
01 Jun 2012

End of the Broke-Ass Mom Preschool Saga

The Preschool Hunt of 2012 has come to an end, finally.  Now all that’s left is to make a decision on which one.  I consider ourselves pretty lucky that we have choices.  When we decided so late in the game to put our son in preschool, I was expecting to

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
31 May 2012

Broke-Ass Survival Guide for a Zombie Apocalypse

If you’re not already up to speed on your Walking Dead, it’s probably time you get started. With recent news of the “Miami Zombie,” 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, who was reportedly naked as he chewed off the face of an innocent homeless man, until policeman took him down after multiple fires

Paulette Greenhouse - The Penny Pincher 0