The Gospel of Glam: SF Celebrated David Bowie’s Legacy at Bowie Bash
San Franciscans celebrated David Bowie’s legacy at the 14th annual Bowie Bash, which featured drag, burlesque, and puppetry. A night of live music, dance, and inclusivity.

400-year-old Brewery to Throw Oktoberfest in Berkeley
There’s only one place in the Bay Area to get 400 years of Austrian brewing tradition for Oktoberfest, and it’s right in Berkeley, California at a new, award-winning taproom, (voted Best New Bar in the East Bay 2024 by East Bay Express.) The Trumer Brewery & Taproom knows a thing

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Maya Rudolph Back To Play Kamala Harris On ‘SNL’
Rudolph’s impersonation of Harris is hilarious, and fans can expect to see her sipping martinis and bobbing her shoulders as America’s “Cool Aunt” all through the last stages of the 2024 Presidential Election.

Support the Roxie Theater by Enjoying the Fraenkel Film Festival!
The festival’s name comes from the Fraenkel Gallery, the venerable Geary Boulevard gallery whose exhibitions explore “photography and its relation to other media.” This year, the gallery celebrates its 45th anniversary by doing this fundraiser festival at the Roxie.

For beer lovers in the Bay, this is the sweetest week of the year, where over 100 craft brewers from all over Northern California roll their kegs into the Bay for tastings, parties, parings, and any other excuse to come together and drink some the finest brews in the world.