Stick It To Me – An Ode to Mod Podge
So lately, I’ve been slightly (totally) obsessed with Mod Podge. What is this magical Mod Podge you say? Well! Let me tell you! Mod Podge is the greatest thing ever invented. It is basically glue that can be used for various craft projects, but oh, it is so much more.
Broke Ass Financial Coaching: Dine Out or Cook at Home?
Our culture values time and money over health and wellness. Do you?
So we want to save money and spend less on “everything” including food. Unfortunately we assume that eating healthy foods is more time consuming and more expensive. In many cases it is. Several years ago I lived alone and traveled a lot. I was sure that I could save money by dining out because I wasted so many groceries. At that time I was eating a lot of fast food, maybe 5-7 times per week or more.
This New Literary Magazine is a Gift to the People of San Francisco
I’ve got some awesome news! We received a grant from the Civic Joy Fund to put out a literary magazine celebrating SF and acting to counter the stupid “Doom Loop” narrative. It’s a gift to the people of San Francisco. And after months of working on this project it’s now available
Broke Ass Financial Coaching: The Cheapest Haircut in the World
A week ago I woke up one day and said, “I NEED A HAIRCUT!” I thought about calling one of the last two people who cut my hair, and I thought, “I don’t want to spend the money,” “I am going to be traveling and pulling my hair back, why should I pay to get a nice haircut,” “They won’t be available this afternoon which is when I need the haircut,” etc.
Nobody Wants a Sweet Potato Ass – Uber Cheap Pilates
Now that you’ve stuffed your sweet selves full of delicious turkey/stuffing/mashed potatoes it seems like the perfect time to cuddle up for a long winter’s nap, as the gorge fest is over. The warm, buttery truth of it is, this is only the beginning. Thanksgiving marks the start of eating
You’ll Never Make A Monkey Out of Me!: Breakup Motivation Tips
To paraphrase Troy McClure in the Planet of the Apes Musical, in my dating life, I’ve definitely felt like every ape from Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z– uh, so to speak. Specifically, there have been times where I’ve let a relationship go on for too long because of my ridiculous fear of
The Hipster’s Dilemma
Hipsters have it rough. They are cursed by the fashion gods. For example, it takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that “I don’t give a fuck about any of this, and no I’m not posing so my ass looks just right in these skinny jeans” look. Furthermore,
Dating Shit To Stop Worrying About Now
I feel like I’ve been having a very similar conversation with a lot of different friends, be they close girl friends who date around a lot, older guy friends who crave a steady relationship, or friends closer to my age with little to no dating/sexual experience. A lot of these
Broke-Ass Financial Coaching: Money and ____ don’t mix
I get a lot of questions about money and relationships from clients. Should I ask so and so for a personal loan? Blahbidy blah roommate is weird about splitting bills what should I do? My boyfriend wants to get a motorcycle and he has really bad credit, should I co-sign for him, or get the bike in my name? My friend so and so and I don’t talk anymore because of an argument with money, how do I prevent that from happening again?