Art opening

Problem Library: The Weirdest, Coolest Space You’ve Never Heard Of
Problem library has been confusing Inner Sunset residents since it opened in November 2015. People tend to walk in, make a bewildered face, poke at a few objects and then walk out. Unlike internet porn, it’s only open on the weekends from 11-7. It also tends to defy categorization. Is

Urban Nature: Art Exhibit Opening at Blackbird Bar this Saturday
Secession Art & Design is extending their walls and curating prowess to the stylishly rustic Blackbird Bar in the Castro. Eden Stein, owner and curator of Secession, is proud to collaborate with Rob Sakovich in his first solo show featuring his largest collection of fine urban art on Saturday, December

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Friday: Made In America Art Opening at Public Works
Just what exactly are the backbones of our Land of the Free? Artist Matthew Henri believes they are none other than whiskey, women and guns. The pieces displayed in his show Made In America offer an artistic survey of the underbelly of an entire nation “besieged by vices and besotted

Friday Night Art Opening: Witches of Wonder
This Friday, October 14th, get in the mood for Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos at the launch of a spooky and intriguing art exhibit at Big Umbrella Studios on Divisidero. The show, entitled Witches of Wonder, features and all-female-line-up of talented artists with a taste for the darker side of life.

Check Out San Francisco Made of Paper Tonight at The Curiosity Shoppe!
Nailed it, Chloe…nailed it. It’s no secret that we residents of San Francisco loooooooove our city. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t live paycheck-to-paycheck, in, like, the fifth most expensive place in the country. Yeah, it’s foggy sometimes and flipping over the handlebars of your bike when the wheels get stuck

FREE Wine, Beer and Food at Dickerman Prints Tonight
I just got back last night at 1:30am from being on at my GF’s family’s farm in upstate NY. So I’m still a little tired, bug bitten, and slightly jet lagged. But it was an awesome trip! I got to eat a garbage plate, fuck with big time illegal fireworks,

FREE Dark Horse Beer at the Hard Time Mini Mall
I saw this over at NYC Recession Diary and I thought all of you, my esteemed readers (and by that I mean lousy drunks), would appreciate it. Tonight from 6-10pm there will be an opening recession for the Hard Time Mini Mall, at the Red Truck Gallery. According to that