Bernie Sanders

Democrats Need to Suck It Up and Stop Eating Their Young
By Sunny Dell Let’s first acknowledge every current candidate running in the Democratic presidential primary is faulty is some way or another. They’re all plagued with mistakes and missteps, old and new. Their characters, demeanors and perspectives are either too archaic, too naive or too bombastic. They make promises that

SF Politicians Aren’t as Progressive as the Rest of the Nation Thinks
Guest post by: Ian Firstenberg On January 23 San Francisco Mayor London Breed endorsed former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg for president. While this came as somewhat of a shock to local media and obsessive media consumers, it echoes a centrist policy of perceived pragmatism coming from the Bay Area. This

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

It’s Bernie or Bust for the Busted Masses
By Ian Firstenberg Sanders offers the only jolt to our collective body politic that will save us from extinction. The Bay Area has served as a petri dish for technocratic liberalism over the past two decades. What started with a tech buzz eventually became a bubble that burst a few

Canvass for Bernie Sanders This Weekend in the Mission
Our friends at DSA San Francisco are teaming up with Bernie’s California team to do some canvassing this weekend. If you want to see real change in the United States, here’s your chance to help make it happen. All the info from the FB event is below: Come support Bernie with

Setting the Debate Stage: The Historic Lineup and Point of It All
And then there were…20! Okay, with the recent addition of Joe Sestak, there are actually now 24 somewhat viable, if not just interesting, democratic presidential candidates to mull over. But the debates Wednesday and Thursday in Miami will showcase the top 20 contenders to climb to the top of the

Bernie To Forgive All Student Debt & Make College Free for Everyone
“This proposal will make it possible for every person in America to get all the education that they need” – Bernie Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed to eliminating all $1.6 trillion of student debt held in the United States this morning. And to make Universities admission FREE. Why? Because keeping

Babyface Avengers Clear Sign that the World is Actually Ending
The new ‘baby’ filter on Snapchat may seem like a quick passing social media trend, but it’s actually a clear sign of the apocalypse. You may think it’s all just a silly joke. Until you see what they did to your beloved cast of The Office… But they didn’t stop

Bernie’s Coming Back to San Francisco!
America’s favorite curmudgeon is coming back to San Francisco on March 24th. I got to see Sanders speak a couple times at rallies in 2015/16, and I have to say, he was a genuine inspiration. The platforms that newer, fresher-faced Democratic candidates stand on today, including Medicare for All, free