Brooklyn Pie Contest!
Hey what’s better than eating pie? Two answers: 1. eating lots of pie and 2. eating pie to raise money for a good cause. BK Farmyards is a group that turns abandoned areas in NYC into usable farmland. Saturday, they’re the charity benefiting from Megan Paska’s annual Brooklyn Pie Contest.
Golden Globe Fashion – A Quick Review
I never watch the Golden Globes. I know its important to the careers of the nominees and I do find the results to be an interesting barometer of what the larger culture thinks is significant in the world of entertainment. I also think its soooooo boring. I find out the
I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute
I need your help to keep going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the
Eating Your Way to Warmth
Given all the talk lately about the pleasures of endless take-out food options and staying indoors, I’ve been getting cabin fever as of late and need to get the hell out of the house. After trudging through Siberia all day, the only thing I crave is something hot, cheap, and
Winter Blues? Check out FREE Meditation Classes!
I have never been a morning person. As a part-time teaching artist/freelance writer/non-profit founder/occasional babysitter, I tend to make my own work schedule. A lot of the time, that means working til 3 or 4am. So on freezing winter mornings, you’ll usually find me making a cup of coffee and
This Wednesday & Thursday at the California Academy of Sciences
Stuart covered this last year when the museum was brand-spaking-new and the FREE day was a proceed-at-your-own-risk kind of activity. But now the museum is old news and the novelty has sort of worn off, unless you haven’t been there yet, in which case you should go on Wednesday because
Broke Ass Financial Coaching: How to Save Money
Would you rather spend $2 on average per day on coffee or have $119,754 in 40 years? (based on 6% annual interest rate, from
You may say yes and you may say no. I don’t judge you either way. There are many things I would rather experience today than have lots of money later. However there are other things I choose to go without. What I want for you is to know your priorities and to make an intentional and conscious choice versus an unconscious one.
Late Night 2-4-1 @ Harvey’s
Yours truly used to actually work at Harvey’s, and even then I was kind of embarrassed to say so. The place is over-priced and serves pretty crappy food. That, and although I know its named in honour of Mr. Milk, one can’t help but feel its more using the name
Listen All Y’all, It’s A (Dating) Sabotage!
A couple of weeks ago, writer LaToya Peterson shared her thoughts on Jezebel about Alex Benzer’s HuffPo article “Why Do Smart Women Have the Toughest Time Dating?” Aside from the mystery of why, even before reading his piece, anyone would ever take anyone with a AJ McLean style facial hair