broke-ass stuart

11 Oct 2013

The Greatest Author Reading Ever (Totally Serious) w/ Jason Myers & Broke-Ass Stuart

I’m really excited for this event! I’m going to be debuting a really special, brand new piece called “Why You Should Fuck a Writer”. I’ve been working on it for like a year and a half. It’ll be the kind of thing you’ll be proud to say you were at

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
13 Aug 2013

Broke-Ass Dating: Tinder

Tinder entered my life one night through the magic of Google. I was sitting around with my friend Gabby and the question arose of whether there was a “Grindr for straight people.” Grindr allows “gay, bi and curious guys” to find one another using a real-time locator and then do

Roger Hannigan Gilson 0
02 Dec 2024

The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!

As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
07 Aug 2013

A Broke-Ass Guide to Cost-Efficiently Giving Yourself Lung Cancer

Thanks to our cigarette-smoking president, cigarette smoking has gotten a lot pricier in the last few years. Although I suspect the prez is being kinda paternal (“don’t do what I did, America”) in projecting his nicotine-guilt upon us, it is helping people quit. But SOME of us (me) just don’t want to.

Roger Hannigan Gilson 0
03 Jun 2013

Brokelyn and Broke-Ass Stuart present: The Jorts-off Dance Off!

This is an epic event years in the making. Myself and the fine folks over at Brokelyn are finally joining forces in brokeitude to bring you The Jorts-off Dance off! That’s right we are throwing a FREE dance party this Thursday and we want to see all your lovely financially

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
29 Apr 2013

City Shutterscape- BAS Crew and Blipboard Skeeball Tournament of Champions

Hello, gorgeous BAS readers!  This week we bring you a new feature- City Shutterscape.  Our new photo contributor, Fabian Echevarria, points and clicks his away around town and shares what he sees.  If you think you might know something we need to capture, drop us a line and we’ll dispatch

Fabian Echevarria- Frugal Photo Pro 0
14 Feb 2013

Broke-Ass Stuart Proudly Sponsors the 2013 SF Mid-Winter Bar Workers Ball – FREE!

With every year in San Francisco comes one fog bank rolling in after the other, peppered with the occasional rainstorm or more often than not, that lovely little ice breeze that likes to momentarily stop your heart on it’s way through your body. And yet, seemingly as quickly as the

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
13 Feb 2013

Cheap Dates: Eat Your Heart Out

I hate Valentine’s Day. Sure, I’m a hopeless romantic who usually spends every February 14th alone doing Jell-O shots in my chaise while eating bacon-fried bacon and masturbating to re-runs of Breaking Bad, but I retain the comfort of knowing Internet Girlfriend will never leave nor punch me in the face. The real reason

Eric Barry - Starving Fartist 0
06 Feb 2013

Cheap Dates: Case of Mistaken Identity

People frequently mistake me for being gay. Certainly much more than they mistake me for being a comedian. But despite the fact that I studied theater in college while working at the Gap, living in the co-ops and sucking dick on the side for money, I am neither gay nor bisexual.

Eric Barry - Starving Fartist 0