city style

What to Wear (and Not to Wear) to Outside Lands!
Outside Lands Festival is back in just a couple of weeks and your friends at Broke-Ass Stuart are here to help you get ready for the big weekend with everything you should wear, not wear, and pack along with you for a hassle-free event! Coming up on August 11-13, 2023,

The Fashion at SF Pride was Amazing!
Last week the 53rd annual San Francisco PRIDE Parade and Celebration happened all throughout downtown, and City Style was back once again with all your best dressed revelers and party seekers. SF PRIDE always has a theme, and this year it was “Looking Back and Moving Forward.” The entire area

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Freshest Styles We Saw at BottleRock This Year
Last week the Bottlerock music festival returned to the Bay Area in downtown Napa for its tenth consecutive year. Gloriously, City Style for Broke-Ass Stuart was there for the first time ever to capture all the best dressed festival goers. The San Francisco Bay Area hosts a slew of different

City Style at Infamous Queer Hip Hop Party ‘Swagger Like Us’
This past Sunday afternoon marked the glorious return of infamous queer hip hop party Swagger Like Us to its home base at El Rio in San Francisco. After two long, unfabulous years of dark dance floors, the fete packed the outdoor deck of the Bernal Heights Queer refuge with a

City Style: Last Week In San Francisco
“Are you a New Yorker?” “No… I’m a City Girl.” Hey San Francisco – I think it’s time we all started getting dressed again. Every time I leave the house I see it: small glimpses of the style city that San Francisco formerly was, slowly returning to us now in