
Why Are Rich New Yorkers So F***ing Weird?
I’m new to the city. Since moving here, I’ve noticed a new kind of interaction has become a part of my life… It was after work on a weekday. I was walking to the 6 station, and saw a middle-aged man in an expensive suit, trendy haircut, and a gold

FREE School Teaches You Belly Dancing, is FREE
Did you guys know about this little collective called “The Free School“? It’s just what it sounds like: It offers FREE classes and collaborations on a contribution basis. So if you have something you’re willing to teach for FREE, you should totally let them know. But today we’re going to

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Om My Goodness: FREE Meditation Class Tomorrow
Om, om, om-om, om-om, om my God! What are the things that make you go, “Om”? C&C Music Factory? A decadent chocolate dainty? How about a FREE meditation class hosted by Meditation A-Go-Go? If you’ve never taken time out of your chaotic urban rat race to focus on your inner

Unleash the Stop-Motion Love in Your Heart at a FREE Animation Class
Probably not a beginner’s flipbook, but whatevs. I don’t usually post about events happening in Oakland because I don’t like to think about places that are not San Francisco. It’s almost like if I don’t think about them, they don’t exist, so if there’s ever some kind huge disaster, like

Focaccia Class at Brooklyn Kitchen Labs
Have you ever gotten someone a birthday present that you soon realize they will hate? That happened to me recently for my hubby’s birthday. I was trying to be creative and so I got him’a cooking class. Apparently, I had been trying to get him to go to a cooking