Costa Hawkins

05 Feb 2019

Ask a Tenant Attorney: How to Protect Yourselves from Rent Increases

Ask a Tenant Attorney is your chance to learn how to survive as a tenant in San Francisco. In each edition Tenant’s Rights Attorney Daniel Wayne addresses a different issue for residential tenants. In this edition we discuss two laws tenants NEED to know in order to avoid losing their rent control. For

22 Oct 2018

How Prop 10 Would Help Resolve the Housing Crisis

Ask a Tenant Attorney is your chance to learn how to survive as a tenant in San Francisco. Each month Tenant’s Rights Attorney Daniel Wayne addresses a different issue for residential tenants. In this edition we discuss why it is crucial to vote YES on Prop 10 on November 6.

07 Aug 2024

The Fun Things To Do On Alameda Island

We got to the East Bay in 20 minutes & never worried about traffic, a bridge toll, parking…or any other hassle. Our only concern was drinking in the beautiful views on the SF Bay Ferry.

05 Sep 2018

How You Can Make a Difference in San Francisco

This comes from our friends at the San Francisco Democratic Socialists of America. Ready to take down homelessness in SF? Ready to make sure all these new condos that are being built have rent control? (They don’t right now!) Ready for a progressive, equitable, diverse SF? Then come out for sunny

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
26 Jul 2018

This week in Bay news: Nia Wilson, civic engagement and lunar viewing parties

This was a tough week in the Bay Area, period. We’ve chosen to leave all the national news alone for this wrap, although there is plenty to report on there, including today’s deadline for family reunifications. But there is enough for us to digest here closer to home that speaks